Chapter 15

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Diamonds POV:

We were all cuddled up on one couch waiting for the movie that I got to pick to start. And yes of course I'd did win. Even if it was by stepping of a little kids back. Oops?

Everyone knew what I was going to  pick if I won so they'd just rolled their eyes and prepared all the snacks. The screen lit up to possibly my favourite scenes to see at the start of a movie.

Starring... Shailene Woodley, Theo James, Zoë Kravitz...

Divergent was probably my favourite movie and only God knows how many times Ive watched it. I only know that I've watched it enough to know quite a few lines from each scene.

Leaning more onto my mums chest, I snuggled up only for her to shove my head away. I glared up at her in annoyance and fake hurt. "Girl you know you're getting too big for this shit." She scoffed loudly and turned her attention back to the tv screen.
Knowing that she wouldn't be bothered to push my head away a second time, I slowly inched myself down until I was laying on her chest again. And surely enough she just shook her head and started scratching my scalp so satisfyingly, I let out a breath of air in content.

"What are you doing love? Sometimes I wonder."

"Girl you better back the fuck up before you get smacked the fuck up by him!!"

"Stupid arse dumb arse hoe. Fuck you thought you were? You thought you ate that. About 'it's me four it's me'. If you don't run right now slow ass bitch. Hmm."

"Tris stop man! He clearly doesn't know who your arse is. Argghh! You complete idiot!" We yelled in frustration at the screen and in my screaming session I didn't hear footsteps walking in. Who am I kidding, I clearly heard them I just decided to ignore them.

"Movie night? And nobody here decided to invite me? Wowww I can really feel the love radiating from you guys." T actually looked genuinely upset and I low-key felt a little bad. It's not as if his brother was with him.

More footsteps were heard and Deshae suddenly rounder the corner. Spoke too soon.

"What's the matter with you A?" He glanced around the room saw what was going on and then smirked in amusement. Damn that was kinda sexy tho- Stop it Di we can't be thinking about the arsehole like this. "Never mind I can very clearly see what happening here."

"How the fuck you ganna ask what's wrong then answer the flipping question yourself. And your dumbass didn't even call me down for dinner either. Man fuck you and shit." T was muttering to himself again as we all expected

Deshae looked as if he was trying to contain his laughter while T sulked in the corner of the room.

"Well I guess the both of you can join us then," Sapph slyly winked at me like she was doing me a favour.

I wanna bash your head in right now stop bloody winking x

I texted Sapph secretly but of course this dumb arse girl just had to open her mouth. "Why are you texti-," Acting fast, I reached over mum and pinched her hard. She winced in pain but got the message. She quickly texted back before beckoning the two men to join us. I looked down just as the notification pinged on my phone.

Love you too babes <3

I left her arse on read and stared forward trying to enjoy the rest of movie despite the awkward tension practically engulfing the room. Then, someone's phone began to ring and I eyed everyone in exasperation until I realised it was my own phone that was making noise. Sheepishly smiling at my family who gave me a dirty glare, I read the name of my caller ID to see that it was Latavious.

"Latavious? Who the fuck is that?" Mum asked with a small smile on her face totally contradicting her harsh words. Feeling eyes piercing my skin, I turned to see Deshae looking at my phone with hatred and me with some other emotion. Annoyance? I really don't know I couldn't place it so I cut my eyes at him and quickly answered my mum before getting up, "He's someone," I heard Sapph cough in effort to hide her laugh while I scurried bout to of the room. Answering the call, a voice on the other end greeted with such a deep voice it sent shivers down my spine. "Hey," he said while waiting for an answer. I guess I must have been silent for too long so he queried if I was still there. "Oh yeah sorry hi I'm still here."

"Oh I thought you left me hanging there or something," he chuckled and I could almost imagine his set of pearly whites smiling at me.

"Sorry it took so long for me to answer the phone, I was watching a movie with my family,"

"Don't worry about it. I get it family is important,"

"Yeah so what are you up to?"

"Thinking about you," I paused not expecting that reply and laughed. From then on it was just bants and we talked until about 2am in the morning.

"You should go to sleep now princess,"

"Yeah I really should night, Lala."

"Night princess," He disconnected the call and I smiled up at my ceiling 'he's too sweet' I thought while getting up from bed to go grab a cup of water. Walking into the kitchen still smiling, I bumped into a hard chest. Assuming it was my dad, I held onto him tight till I noticed that he wasn't hugging me back. I clambered off the person and was mortified to find that it was none other that the second mob boss that was residing in our house. "Sorry, I am so sorry I just thought that you were my dad and- ," he was already walking away before I even finished my sentence. Oh hell nah. "What the hell is you problem?" I called after him. He kept his back to me but replied, "I really don't have one."

"You obviously do with all them cold looks and glares you been giving me." All I'm a matter of a second he turned around and walked up until he was pressed against me.

"You are my problem," he said with soft eyes, "I lik- gosh I don't even know what to say, sorry." He stammered. He randomly kissed my forehead and left with a soft 'night'....Bro what? I am so confused.

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