◐ Chapter 1 ◑

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Third person POV

A [H/c] haired girl was staring at her
full body mirror looking at her reflection
as her personal maid/nanny helped
her get ready for the royal ball

"Is there anything else you would like
Your Highness?"
Her nanny said while smiling warmly
at her

"Tina, I told you to just call me by
my name, plus you are only 2 years older
than me so it's a bit weird"
The [H/c] haired girl complained, making
her nanny who goes by the name
'Tina' chuckle

"Of course, I will be excusing myself now
Your Highness"
The black-haired woman said bowing

"Eh? Where are you going?"
The younger girl confusingly said

Tina- "I'm gonna go help the other maids
put the food in the ballroom"

[Y/n]- "Alright then, I'll see you later Tina"

Tina- "Of course Your Highness, I shall
take my leave now"
The older woman turned around and left
the room leaving the [H/c] haired
girl alone

She turned around and looked at herself
in the mirror, she noticed something strange
inside the mirror

She looked closely and
saw a small room, but before she
could even react, her pet Husky
came running inside
her room and jumped onto her

Making her lose her balance and fall
forward towards the mirror, but
instead of crashing onto it, she got
sucked in and fell to the other side

She let out a screech and quickly
stood up, she walked back towards the
mirror and started jabbing at it

Desperately trying to get back to her own
room or you could say her own world
she started panicking seeing that it was no use

'Oh my gosh! What am I gonna do, what
am I gonna do!? The ball is about
to start!'
She mentally cursed

The [H/c] haired girl was about to send
a kick towards the mirror when the door
inside the room that she's in suddenly

She quickly readied herself in a fighting
stance, but what she saw next complete
shocked her

"C'mon, let's go already! You don't want
be late to your new school"
The blond boy said

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