Prologue: Liam

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I checked my watch as I approached the small coffee shop on the corner of Chartres and St Peter. The night air was cool, but I was virtually unfazed by the brisk breeze in my leather jacket. New Orleans was an odd city. Comfortable heat during the day, and cool temperatures at night. Not to mention it was a Tuesday in April and the streets were still flooded with people. Bachelorette groups, drunk college students, middle aged women. It seemed New Orleans's charm didn't discriminate against anyone, and as 10 pm approached, the night was just getting started for most.  

And the noise never seemed to cease, even after the sun came up. Cars were bumped to bumper, and the sidewalks with people were no better. These noises turn to lights and music as the city crawls closer to night. The bars open their doors and the street art and bands pour out like a broken dam. The phrase "Laissez les bon temps rouler" was chanted through the streets- often before something incredibly idiotic took place. 

The clock read 10:10 pm when I saw the boy- Cade? or was it Chad?- break into a jog once he got out the doors. He ran by me and faintly grazed me. 

"Sorry, man!" He didn't check up, but he did yell the words at me. I resisted the urge to rip out his throat. Stay on task, I reminded myself. 

I mean, he did just give me the perfect opportunity to get her alone. The street seemed to grow more crowded as I got closer to the Square, so much so that it seemed I was shoving people out of my way just to get down the street. 

I got up to the glass double doors of the shop and peeked in. There was no one there, no movement whatsoever really. Had I missed her? I concentrated hard on the vibrations, remembering what her breathing sounded like from all the nights I had watched her sleep. 

I could hear her. She was in the back. I tugged lightly on the door handle to see that it was locked. I was expecting that much. 

With one swift move and a second to spare, I waved my hand over the lock. I was rewarded with hearing the metal click, signifying the locks had been undone. With that, I walked in like any other annoying customer after closing time would. 

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