Chapter 14

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Wilhelm and Simon had been doing their classes as usual and were going to hang out with Felice, Sara and Maddie. Wilhelm had a rough couple of weeks and knew this would kind of help him forget about it for a bit. 

The boys walked up to Felice and Saras room, they knocked on the door as they heard footsteps walk on over to the door, they watch it swing open and see Sara 'Their here' Sara says and nudged her head toward everyone motioning them to come inside.

Everyone smiles saying hi to each other 'So what were we thinking of doing?' Simon asked as him and Wilhelm sat down, he sits down on Wilhelms lap feeling his arms wrap around him.

Felice looked over 'Well we were thinking truth or dare.. something like that?' she asks 'Are you two okay with that?' she asks 

Wilhelm nods and Simon did 'Who goes first?' Wilhelm asked with a smile enjoying being there with people he knew he could trust

'Oldest to youngest so Wilhelm, me, Maddie, Sara, Simon.' Felice tells him 

He smiles 'awhhh my baby is the youngest here' he says and kissed his cheek as Simon giggles leaning back onto him. 'Okay ummmmm Maddie truth or dare?'Wille asks 

Maddie looks and thinks 'hmmmm truth!' she picks 

'Have you ever kissed a girl?' he asks 

She nods truthfully 'Yes to be honest it wasn't for me, but glad I tried it.'  she tells them 'Alright Simon your turn, truth or dare?' he asks 

Simon thinks and smiled 'Dare' he says 

'I dare you to say  something to Wilhelm that will turn him on' she says 

Wilhelm giggles 'Him being near me can do that.' 

Simon nods 'he's not wrong' he says then leans over whispering into his ear 'Later me you bedroom, it's been 6 weeks and I need you.' he says and then kissed him smiling 

(Reminder Wilhelm got into the accident which meant no physical activities for 4-6 weeks)

He kissed back and smiles 'Got it'. he says and got very turned on 

Maddie looks 'Good job.' she says 

'You'll never know if it turned him on, I'm the one on his lap that's the only way to know'

she nods 'Yeah yeah' she giggles 

Simon smiles feeling Wille being turned on under him, he looked at him and smiled then looks around 'hmmm Felice your next' he says 'Truth or dare?' Simon asks her 

Wille breathes trying to contain himself and make it go away thinking about things that would turn him off.

Felice thinks 'Dare' she says 

'I dare you to call your ex and put it on speaker' he says 

She nods knowing it was August and called putting it on speaker 

August answered 'Hello?' he asks 

Wille got turned off immediately as he heard his voice 

Simon held his hand comforting him 'Its okay my love' he whispers and kissed his cheek 

He nods softly and held his hand back 

Felice breathes 'Uh nothing wrong number' she says and hung up 

Sara looks and swallows she and August had still been hooking up over the summer, she hadn't told Simon 

'Truth or dare Sara?' Felice asks 

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