The Letter

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Jade's POV

I drove till six the next morning before I stopped for a break. My old life, two states behind me.

I stopped in what looked like a school parking lot. I didn't care that today was Saturday. No one would bother me while I'm here, I hoped.

Looking at the envelope, still on the dash. I had completely forgot about it.

Mimi's handwriting neatly written on it.

Opening the letter, I started to read.

'I knew you were going to be leaving any day now Jade. So both me and Aden prepared for this. I've packed you about two wreaks worth of non-perishable food. Mostly junk food, knowing how that was the only thing you ate. I still don't see how it didn't catch up to you.'

I laughed at the running joke between us. Even though I'm running away she still jokes with me.

'I also packed Cato's food. That should also last two weeks. Since its winter I also packed some warm clothes, and a comforter for you. In the second basket I packed things like a toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, an other bathroom things you'll need.

Aden saved up and got you an iPhone. It's in the glove box if you haven't found it yet. Our numbers are in it and also the numbers of some family members in Nevada. They're my sister, brother-in-law, and there son, who's about your age. There high up in the community so you should be fine. I've already called them and told them to expect you.

There are some things you won't understand when you get there, and I'm sorry for lying to you, but you won't understand until you turn eighteen. I promise you aren't alone you have Cato with you, let him guide you.

I will miss both of you and remember you always have family here. We might not be there physically but we are always miss you.

There's an address on your phone, go there. My family will take care of you.

With love,


I set the letter down. Mimi really did have everything planned out.

I climbed into the back seat moving everything to the floor. I burrowed myself in the comforter, letting its warmth cover me. As I fell into a peaceful sleep.

Cato's POV

After Jade fell asleep I shifted. Being in my cat form feels great, but there's so many more thing you can do in human form.

Stretching, I could feel my muscles contract, my joints popping from lack of use.

Grabbing the letter I quickly read over it. Mimi and Aden had planned everything out already. Food, shelter, and clothes. The only thing that worried me was we're going to Nevada.

Bad memories flashed through my mind. The way I was treated like scum. Almost starved to death, beaten to where instead of hours, it took months to heal. Being locked out of the pride's house in the middle of a storm. Being labeled as the pride's pet. Forced to fight in every pride war, even if it ment going against enemys twice my size.

Grabbing Jade's phone, I flipped to the notes section. My heart stopping when I saw the address.

My old Pride's main house.

We're going back to the people who made my life hell.

My old pride.

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