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i called the number and gave whoever it was on the other end the information they'd asked for, such as my full name and date of birth. i didn't quite understand why they asked for it in the first place, but i decided it was better to not ask questions and instead just meet them where they told me to.

it was a warm night, so i decided not to wear a jacket as i stood outside in front of the building they told me to meet them at. after around 10 minutes, a van pulled up. a person was sitting in the front seat, and i couldn't see their face as they rolled down the window. "password?" the masculine voice asked. i thought back to the phone call. "red light, green light?" i stuttered, but they pressed a button and the back door slid open. inside were a couple of other people varying in age and gender, but i awkwardly sat down next to an older man. something peculiar i noticed was that they were all asleep. i pursed my lips, looking around until a strange stench filled my nose, and within seconds i was out.


i don't know how long i was unconscious for, but when i woke up i was in a large room filled with what looked like hundreds of other people. i looked down at my attire, and the number embroidered on the jacket i was wearing was "455". the outfit was a light green, and it almost looked like the clothes i wore in my gym class in high school. i was confused, and i felt myself becoming more scared with each second that passed. people were talking to each other and smiling as they got to know whoever they spoke to. i noticed "456" talking to an older man, the number on his jacket reading "001." i pitied him, feeling as though he deserved to be living somewhere else, happy with his family or friends. but instead he was here, presumably in debt, just like everyone else was.

i stood up from the bed i was sitting on and began walking around, trying to find anyone who looked trustworthy enough to talk to. after a few minutes of wondering aimlessly, i noticed a crowd beginning to form. i walked closer to the commotion and noticed a girl around my age lying on the ground, her hair covering her face as a man stood above her. he had a tattoo of what looked like a snake on his chin, going down his neck and into his shirt. i cringed inwardly at it, but my eyes returned to the girl as a man ran up to her, grabbing her by the collar as he pulled her around. he grabbed her by the hair and tilted her head to the side, "that scar on your neck! it's you! the pickpocket!" i furrowed my eyebrows at his words, almost feeling the need to intervene but i kept my distance instead. my experience here would be better if i didn't have any enemies. "give me my money back. where's my money?" he questioned her, and at this moment i noticed the number on his jacket. 456. he was the number directly after me, and i pursed my lips. this guy seemed to be a little out of it, but if she truly stole the money he was talking about, i would be too.

"give it back!" he yelled, before he was kicked by the man with the tattoo. 456 got back up relatively quickly, "what the hell?" he spoke. "who are you?" the other man asked threateningly. 456 seemed to lose any amount of confidence he had, and almost as if he were a turtle, he shrunk into a shell. he moved his hand up to his face, moving the hair out of it, "um."

"who the hell are you?" the tattooed man, 101, questioned again. "me? well.." 456 trailed off, "i'm seong gihun from ssangmun-dong." i tried not to laugh at his words, but a light chuckle escaped from my lips and he glanced at me. i stopped laughing after a moment and his gaze returned to 101. "hey, mr. ssangmun-dong."


"i'm not done with this wench."

"i'm sorry, but i also have something urgent to discuss with this sister over here." 456— gihun, replied.

"you bastard. what's your relation with her?" 101 questioned, getting angrier with each moment that passed. i looked back towards where the girl was on the floor, and it was then that i first saw her face clearly. she was beautiful. beautiful seemed like an understatement, but it was true. her eyes were devoid of emotion, but a soft brown and her cheeks were covered in freckles. i couldn't help but notice the blood trailing out of her mouth from the previous beating.

MONEY, MONEY, MONEY ━━━━ KANG SAEBYEOKWhere stories live. Discover now