The Party

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To say Izuku was stressed would be an understatement.

In all of the stress of his truly unfortunate love life, he forgot to actually ask his mother if he could go to the party tonight. She always hated when he would ask to go somewhere last minute. She liked to know a few days in advance so she could think it over and probably come up with a million different things that could go wrong while Izuku was out of the house. She didn't necessarily keep him on a leash, but when he did go out she expected hourly calls or texts just so she could calm her nerves. Of course, Izuku thought that was absurd, so they made a compromise. He'll text her when he gets there, one more text halfway through to check-in, and call when he's on his way home.

He took a deep breath, conjuring the confidence to ask his mother to go out the day of. Fidgeting with his fingers he walked into the kitchen. "Mom?"

She turned around with a warm smile on her face. "Yes, honey?"

There were a few hours before he had to get ready. Ochako would come over to help him with his outfit (her idea of course), Shoto would drive them in his dad's car, and they could go and have fun. But first, he had to jump this hurdle.

"Well, there's this party tonight," He said. It sounded like more of a question than a statement. "I know it's kinda late to ask but I really want to go."

"Izuku, you know how I feel about parties. And you're asking so last minute."

He forced a smile. "I know, I'm sorry. I forgot to ask the other day."

She turned back to her cooking on the stove. With her lips pressed into a thin line, she thought for a moment. Izuku stood in place as he waited for her answer. He felt silly for having to ask his mom for everything, but it's not like he had a choice. She was this way for a reason, he'd just have to put up with it.

"No alcohol, right?" She asked.

Izuku suppressed a smile, knowing what that meant. "Nope," She'd let him go.

"Who are you going with?" She always seemed to have a worried look on her face. Izuku wondered if her eyebrows ever relaxed.

"Ochako and Shoto. Kacchan is going to be there too." Izuku thought he should only name people his mother knew. She wasn't fond of new people in Izuku's life. She had a tendency to be suspicious of everyone.

"Well, alright. Just stay with your friends. I don't want you going alone." She said, turning off the stove.

"Of course. Thanks, mom!" He said, running up to his room. That went surprisingly well. He expected her to beg him to stay home. She never actually says the word no. She just kindly suggests that Izuku shouldn't go, but he knew what that meant. And when she brought out the crossword puzzles he knew he was not going anywhere. He wondered how she would react when he tells her he has a date to go to. He cringed at the thought.

"I love you!" She called as he disappeared up the stairs.

When he got to his room, he was not expecting to see Katsuki standing there waiting for him. See, he usually left his window unlocked on days like these. Days where he expected Ochako to come over so she could let herself in. For some odd reason, she insisted on coming in through his window because it was 'faster than using the front door'. He would beg to differ, but she did a lot of things Izuku didn't understand. Like, dip her strawberry pocky in maple syrup. She swore up and down that it was the best thing she'd ever tasted, but I digress.

His window was not unlocked for the likes of Katsuki Bakugo to just let himself in whenever he pleases.

"Kacchan!" Izuku yelled out in surprise. "You're in my room." He said, stating the obvious.

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