The date

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Megamind sat patiently for John Cena at the local coffee shop. He wore his best cape to impress John he is hoping for them to have a spark. When he left the hideout Hal didn't say anything like normal. He was briefly confused on why Hal didn't seem to care that much when he was leaving for his secret date. John arrived and was excited to how nicely Megamind was dressed. He sat down and instantly complimented Megamind's cape. They talked over coffee for 2 hours laughing and enjoying each other's company. They decided to leave for a walk around the park near. Well walking John gently reached to grab Megamind's hand. Megamind blushed with shock and excitement. they were both feeling the the romantic spark igniting between them. they walked around for another hour before they had to depart from each other. "Here is my p-phone number so umm call me.. maybe if you want." Megamind said softly to John Cena. "Of course i'll call you cutie.!" he said in a seductive tone.

Hal's POV of Megamind's and John's date

Hal waited a couple minutes after Megamind left to see him go to the coffee shop then he saw a tall man with big muscles walk in and greet his boyfriend. Hal was mad because they talked for so long then hid when he saw them stand up from there table. This was like a knife in the back because Hal had strong feelings for Megamind despite not showing them one ounce. He creepily watched them from behind around the park. When he saw the mystery man grab his boyfriends hand and Megamind not letting go made him mad. Hal went home and sat where he normally sits waiting to confront Megamind.

After the date

Megamind came home and yelled "HAL GET HERE RIGHT NOW WE ARE OVER I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE I CAN'T PAY FOR YOUR ASS TO SIT HERE ALL DAY I FOUND SOMEONE ELSE!" Megamind couldn't believe that he was finally leaving this relationship. Hal was in shock he couldn't believe Megamind. Megamind started throwing all of Hal's shit out the hideouts door Hal was yelling about how it was wrong of him to do this too him. "GO BACK TO JAIL YOU LOSER" Megamind screamed at him. Then very suddenly there was someone in the doorway. It was John he came by to see Megamind hoping for some action with him. John saw that you saw the two screaming at each other. John rushed over to protect Megamind who was about to get hit by Hal. He decked Hal without a thought to it then Hal ran out of the hideout. "Are you okay?!" John asked the man he wanted a piece of. "Y-yes i'm okay" Megamind said as he hug Johns ripped chested.


the word count in 497 . Thank you so much for reading this train wreck coming up there will be hard core smut!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2021 ⏰

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