Interacting with my Readers

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Please feel free to ask me anything!

Any question I get repeated a lot I will post here with my answer so everyone can see it without having to ask again or drive through comments.

Wish Upon a Star

Here you can ask or suggest anything you'd like.

Dream Job you'd like to see represented

Someone who best represents you or a group of people you know as a reader

Story idea you want help with or would like to see if I can make come to life. (If you give me an idea I use of course you will get credit for the idea and the book will be dedicated to you!)

Any stories you'd like to see me try my hand at like a fanfiction or XYZ x reader(Y/N)

Writing Promts

Here you can leave a writing promise with a much or as little details as you like and I'll respond with a lil story for you 💜

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