(2) First Year- 1972

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Regulus hesitantly walked up to the sorting hat. His hands were trembling, and he shoved them in his pockets. Regulus held his head up high. He tried to embody his older cousins who had already gotten into Slytherin, maybe that would trick the sorting hat into thinking he was worthy.

He had always been crafty like that.

Minerva McGonagall instructed the young boy to sit. His eyes were a mixture of brown and green, and they looked up at the brown and raggedy hat that laid atop his head, his long coffee colored curls stuck out from under it.

Regulus tried to hold a straight face, but he couldn't help but tap his foot in anticipation. The sorting hat made a low grumble, a sound that resembled his father Orion's groan when he had trouble with the Daily Prophets crossword.

Regulus felt the hat digging into the depths of his soul, swimming in his mind, searching for clues to piece together who he really was.
'Get out of my head' Regulus instructed with his mind. That's something a Slytherin would say, right?

With that, the hat came to a verdict.

Chatter filled the hall and whispers permeated the room. You could feel a chill in the air. Max eyed Sirius intently but his grey irises were focused soley on the chestnut haired first year with the tattered hat on his head. They both tapped their feet to the same beat.


Regulus let out all the tension from his spine and slouched in relief. Sirius did the opposite.

As if on que, the whole hall went silent. For a few moments, the only thing you could hear was Nearly Headless Nick chuckling at the tension.

Nearly Headless Nick did not do well in awkward circumstances.

But soon enough, Abraxas Malfoy stood up from his seat, clapping and cheering. Everyone just stared at Abraxas for a moment, but he kept on going. He cheered genuinely and proudly. The Slytherins looked around at eachother and hesitantly shifted in their seats. Eventually, the rest of the Slytherin table joined in, and welcomed Regulus to their assigned table.

Sirius' lids fell lower, and it seemed that now his eye bags had somehow grown deeper. He looked unamused and tired, his eyebrows furrowed and his back slouched.

James took the liberty to pat Sirius on the back, giving Max the look saying 'Don't ask questions'. Luckily, she understood exactly what he meant. She's grown to understand his silent gestures. There must have been some family trouble with Sirius and Regulus, given they share the same last name.

Sirius was disappointed his brother had gotten into Slytherin, just like how James would be if Max did.

Soon I'm going to start writing from the characters POV's. 😽😽

Questions, suggestions etc.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2022 ⏰

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