{ chapter 14 }

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Giovanni's POV:

Ugh. This damn collar. This fuckin collar won't stop rising up. Shit!

As I finally laid the collar down I hear her heels clicking against the stairs as she walks down the stairs, confidently, proudly, sexily. As I see that short skirt start to ride up her sexy legs, my heart stops and my breath stops. I tried to recollect my breaths, but the way she moves closer, her breasts slightly bouncing as she walks down the stairs, sends immediate butterflies shooting into my stomach.

Oh my fucking god. Her vibrant devil red lips, golden skin, her long lashes, triggers a tiny smirk. Just the sight of her makes me smile, and it drives me fucking crazy.

My eyes widen, as my jaw unclenches and starts to drop as I see her figure in front of me, looking as sexy as ever. Her vanilla perfume burns my nose as I smell her heavenly presence standing proudly in front of me.

She looked fierce, unbreakable, boss.

In less then 30 minutes, I was gonna marry her. She was going to become Araya Kingston. 

We drove in dead silence to my company, her thighs visibly clenched, my legs spread slightly, none of us make a sound. Not even a cough, a sneeze, not even a sigh. We kept our breaths quiet and our faces turned away, looking out the window as we arrive.

As we get out the car. I stop a moment to let her catch up to me. I stick my arm out for her to hold but she scoffs and turns away. Doesn't even bother to give me a glance. I just let a sigh escape me and clench my jaw, as we start through the revolving doors.

We ride the elevator up, dead silence falls between us. We don't exchange any looks, not even a small glimpse. We both get a bit startled at the loud bell above us that the elevator has now stopped. That's how quiet we were the entire time.

We walk down to my office proudly, yet we kept our distance.

I was furious with her, but I needed to keep the act going. I can lose control in private, but never in public.

What was I thinking? She kissed me and instead of pushing her away, which probably was the best idea, I melted into the kiss. I wasn't gonna lie, that kiss was amazing. It felt like fire works in a kiss, it felt so right, I never wanted it to end. Once she pulled away I went back in to kiss her.

She had been sending me the most confusing signals ever the entire week and she made me crave more of her but I couldn't! I wanted more, I needed more. She sends me the most confusing signals and then decides to stop.

Figuring out feelings isn't as easy as saying it, I get that, but she can't keep leading me on to something that's never going to happen. She is leading me to something I'm getting a tiny bit excited for and then stomps all over it, likes it's nothing to her.

Maybe I'm being dramatic about this, but it's exactly what happened.

We walk into my office to be greeted by my lawyer.

"Araya, this is my lawyer, Winston." I introduce him to her.

"Winston, this is my almost wife, Araya." I introduce her.

They shake hands awkwardly and step back, clearing their throats and giving me a glance. The first glance she has given me since the house.

"Let's have a seat. We will discuss this." Winstons says directing us to the chairs.

I sit in my office chair while Araya takes a seat in front of me.

No matter how mad I am at her, she is my almost wife, she is always to be beside me.

In one quick movement, I shot out of my chair, and swung her up by her arm, and swung the chair around next to my chair and set it there. I gestured toward the chair for her to sit, she gives me an eye squint in response and sits down, crossing one leg over the other.

"Now, we are here today to sign the official documents for a marriage. Here I have 2 separate contracts. Now, Mr. Kingston this contract to you is to show you will marry her today, stay with her, provide for her and care for her till death. Are you sure?" He asks, his icy blue eyes staring deep into my soul.

The words kept replaying in my mind.

Marry her.

Stay with her.

Provide for her.

Care for her.

Yes. Yes I will. I will always care for her, provide for her, and stay with her.

"Yes." I reply spreading my legs a little more and holding my knuckles.

"Ms. Grey, this contract to you is to show you will marry him today, stay with him, provide for him, and care for him until death. Are you sure?" He asks Araya, turning his entire figure towards her.

She stares at him for a while before being able to make out the words.

"Yes I will." She says unfolding her leg and sliding her hands down her thighs.

I let out a quiet relieved sigh, I thought she would say no and ruin this. To be honest, I thought she would back out of this.

"Ok here are the papers, each write your signature." He says sliding 2 papers in front of us with pens in the middle.

I pick up the pen and hover it over the dotted line, thinking about this. I sigh, and start to move my pen across the paper, signing my signature.

I put my pen down, staring at my signature i disbelief and relief before glancing over at Araya who was piercing her eyes at the pen. After a few more seconds she picks up the pen. She hesitates to sign her name at first, and takes a few breaths before slowly signing her name across and slamming the pen down while sliding the paper toward Winston.

This was it.

We were now legally and officially married.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife." Winston says with a soft chuckle.

I shift myself in my chair, facing the window as I hear papers rustling around.

"Well thank you for your time Mr and Mrs Kingston, I will see myself out. Have a good day." Winston says and locks his briefcase, saluting he and leaving.

I turn back around to Araya, who has her face buried in her hands. She shoots her head up, and wipes away the lose strands of hair and tuck them behind her ear. She sighs and gets up, moving the chair back.

"I have a contract for you to sign, so you can legally own a part of the company." I say after a long awkward minute of silence.

She glances up at me, a bit surprised I could tell. She nods lightly and sits back down as I pull the contract out my desk drawer and place it in front of her.

"Just sign your name at the bottom." I say handing her a pen.

"These are your shares, how much you will make, what you run." I explain.

I had her own the least dangerous part of the company. People will now go to her for jobs and people will go to me for deals and information about my mafia.

She does not need to know about my mafia, and will not know. Now that she is legally married to me, she owns the company with me, but I still will not allow her to be involved with my work or have anything to do with it, ever.


they are married 💍🤭

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