"Another Day!"

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Another day of suffering in this forsaken hell hole, I lurched on the streets, continuously trying to find a unexpecting , I managed to spot a red head carrying a boy with black fluffy hair , one in a green shirt with a bandana tied around his neck, and the other younger black haired boy wearing a blue average hoodie, I stumbled over to the angel, my light blonde hair messed up from the recent fight I had just had, all the memories flashing back in a instant white light

I winced as I got thrown against the wall.
A struggled stifled sob rolling out from my throat As I whined and struggled away, being hit against the head
Someone pulling my demonish horns and tail, blacking out from the pain.
Still being beat by the unknown force
Seeming for it to last for hours
Before it finally stopped


I winced I pain as my horns and tail ached, the red headed pain instantly looking towards me as he panicked a bit, asking me hurriedly rushed questions and he pulled me closer, I just smiled and went unconscious,


I held Max close in my arms, cradling him as I began, humming a tune as I sat on a bench, just enjoying the nature, that was until I became panicked as a light blonde fellow dragged himself over to me, quiet bruised and beaten up, bloodied up a bit also, I was panic stricken at the sudden sight, pulling him into my arms as I sat Max on the opposite side of the bench, hurriedly getting up , laying the man down as I put max into my car, then walking back to the other quiet hurriedly as I then put him in the passenger seat, gathering me and Max's stuff, starting the car quiet hurriedly as I quickly drove back to camp, max looking at me from the back seat looking shocked as ever.


I laid in David's arms, not even trying to fight back, before everything went by in basically a white hurried flash, a man. Who was bruised and bloodied up walking up to us, david panicking,  then we were all in the car. Me looking at him from the back seat shocked, quiet confused on what the actual fuck had just fucking happened, just deciding to stay silent through the car ride


I out of no where woke up, the sweet aroma of medicine and pure nature flooding my nose, coughing violently my eyes adjusting to the dimish bright light, the familiar man patting my back as the coughing slowly died out, sighing as I sat up, rubbing my eyes as I straightened my posture, turning my head to the red headed man, , out of nowhere I realized I didnt even have the mans name.


I sat up as the blonde man began coughing , hurriedly patting his back , waiting for until he had stopped, watching him, before fumbling over my words a bit before I managed to say "Oh! Hello! Sorry, I forgot to even introduce myself, I'm David "


I nodded, nothing his name and repeating the word in my head. Not stopping until I basically had it imprinted into my brain


Alright, that's it! His name was David! David, the man who had practically saved me


I smiled softly, taking the warm rag off of his lap, which used to be on his forehead, I sat it onto the small cabinet sat onto the floor beside the bed the  other was laying on, before I realized I didnt know his name either,, pausing I turned to him and questioned "What's your name?"


"o-oh..ohohoh,,its..uhrm,," I found myself stumbling over my words as I watched the 'David' before managing to hurtled out it finally "Daniel! Daniel Lee Dawnson!!" I snickered , sitting up onto my knees, leaning towards him without thinking at all, pausing before yawning tiredly and laying back down as I huffed , my largish bat wings stretching, David's shuffling a bit as they fluttered, smiling softly at his bright yellow glowing halo that floated above his head.

'Oh so his name is Daniel?' I thought to myself, pausing as I noticed he was a demon studying him as I studied me, his bat wings stretching as his sharpish horns now more visible, getting up silently as I walked to the door. "I'll be right back Dan! I need to make some breakfast for you!" I snickered , before pausing and beginning to mumble "Even if it is like what.. five PM" I shook my head silently , walking out of the Counselors Cabin, leaving Daniel in the Counselors Cabin alone.

Word count : 810

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