
18 1 1


I stared at the ground as David lay sleeping in his bed, my stomach twisting in knots when I looked at him, coughing each time making an excuse to move away, I just couldn't get near him without just wanting to hug him, that was odd, Xemug never taught us this? Ugh, this is..odd, I hissed under my breath, sighing as I just laid down on David's couch, my wings stretched out as I yawned, humming as I just closed my eyes(which was quite hard for me)yawning tiredly, huffing before just sitting up. My eyes meeting no other than the camp man himself, David.
I went all red, pushing myself away as I huffed "Holy fuck David! Jesus, I didn't know you were there!" I sighed, wiping the sweat off my forehead silently


I paused, seeing Daniel half laying, half sitting on the couch, I sat at the end of his feet, waiting for him to sit up. When he did he immediately went red, pushing himself away from me as he huffed, wiping his forehead, I put my hands up, with a worried face, hurriedly speaking" Ohdangimsosorry!!" I paused, seeing he was a bit confused at my hurried talking, pausing I said it again, "Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you!" I smiled as I saw him calming down as I leaned near him a bit more.


As he leaned closer towards me I felt my face get hot again, as my stomach tightened, I tried smiling and acting as if everything was fine, but honestly IT WASNT. This dude was leaning towards me and I felt like my lungs were collapsing, I got up, ready to hurry away before I was pulled down by him, he seemed confused about why I kept trying to hurry away,


I held onto Daniel's wrist, glaring at him, I was a bit mad to be honest! Daniel kept trying to get away from me and I didn't know why! It wasn't fair, and I wanted to know why he kept doing it, it was getting me,, well.. PISSED OFF! "Daniel what the heck is wrong with you!? Why do you keep trying to leave whenever I'm around! Do you not like me?!.."


He pulled me down by my wrist, holding onto them tightly, "Woah-' I caught my breath, huffing "Well,, I uh..I think I'm sick! I dont want to get you sick too.." I completely lied, and he seemed to believe it, I let myself relax as I layed down, thinking about it, I did feel sick, like throwing up sick!


I paused, "oh! I'm so sorry, here I'll go get you medicine!' I got up, feeling his forehead , well it was scorching hot! Before I got the medicine I kissed his forehead, I rushed away, going into the kitchen, seeing Max eating some pancakes, smiling softly I waved "Heya Max!" I turned away, grabbing some fever medicine, and rushing back to Daniel, leaning down I poured some of the medicine into the small cup and gave it to Daniel silently, a worried look on my face.


I hesitantly took the medicine, not quiet use to the icky taste, only really use to the familiar grape-poisioned kool-aid that Xemüg, our lord and savior! The one who..saved?..no..saved-? Yes yes! Saved me! Saved me from all my sins I've done, hes helped me realized  everything I've done wrong, hes helped me since I was, 2..? No.. I cant remember at all, but I knows hes helped me!
Yeah,, yeah! Hes helped me through everything,  yeah,, everything through out my sorry life.

End :)
Word count: 626

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2021 ⏰

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