Chapter 1

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Explosions rang out through the Midoriya-Bakugou household. Mitsuki, Inko and Marasu had taken the kids for the day since they wanted to spend some time with their grandkids and for once Midoriya and Bakugou had the day off but their day off was anything but peaceful. Midoriya threw the front door open sprinting down the street with his keys in one hand and his phone in the other. 'Deku!' Bakugou yelled but Midoriya kept running. He knew it must've looked bad to bystanders. His clothes were burned and still smouldering in some spots and the skin underneath was a deep shade of red. That was probably going to blister. His right leg was covered with blood and more was dripping down his face. His eye was beginning to bruise but he continued to run. 'Pro Hero Deku!' A stranger called out but Midoriya kept running. What was he supposed to do? What was he supposed to say? He couldn't show up to his mother's house looking like this. It would scare the kids. He needed to get as far away as possible. He needed somewhere safe. The agency! He would be safe there! Midoriya could see the agency in the distance but the adrenaline was beginning to wear off. He stumbled as he tried to keep running. His body hurt and every movement was torture. He began to slow down and stumble as he approached the agency.

'Midobro!' Kirishima yelled as he came running towards the green-headed boy. He must've been finishing his patrol. 'Kiri... shima...' Midoriya mumbled as let himself fall into his arms. Kirishima held him up as he pulled Midoriya towards the doors of the agency. He pushed all his weight on the doors causing them to bang into the wall. Heads turns quickly as Kirishima called out. 'Help! We need a medic!' Kirishima yelled as he holds Midoriya up. Heroes quickly come running over, scared for their friends. 'What happened?' Uraraka questioned. 'Did he get attacked by a villain?' Jirou questioned. 'It's his day off!' Denki says. 'Where's Bakugou?!' Sero says looking around. 'I don't know! He was just outside the agency' Kirishima explains. 'Attack...' Midoriya mumbles weakly as Kirishima waves them away to give Midoriya space. The heroes quickly take in the burn marks on Midoriya's body and the black eye that looked painful to blink. 'Someone go find one of the first-aiders!' Iida calls out and Todoroki runs to find them. 'Midoriya... Who attacked you?' Mina questions as he stands in front of him. Midoriya mumbles to himself as he leans against Kirishima. His head was spinning and the voices of his friends were fuzzy. 'Kacch...' Midoriya mumbles as he faints and hits the ground, 'Someone call an ambulance!'

Kirishima was quickly by his side and Mina helped roll him onto his side. 'Kacch?' Uraraka questions. 'You don't think Bakugou was the one that hurt him, do you?' Sero questions. 'Bakugou would never do that! He's a hero like the rest of us!' Iida fought back. 'There is no news of a villain attack anywhere' Tsu says. 'We are going to have to wait for him to wake up' Kirishima sighs as Todoroki walks in with the first aiders. They quickly check over him before looking up at the heroes. 'He will be okay. It's mostly minor burns with some major ones and he's cut his leg open. He needs to go to the hospital but I don't think we need to call an ambulance' she explains. 'Can anyone call Yaoyorozu? I know she's out today but she needs to meet us at the hospital' Uraraka questions. 'I'm on it!' jirou yells as Iida lifts up his friends limp body off the floor. 'Who is coming to the hospital?' Mina questions. 'I'll come!' Uraraka says. 'Me too!' Sero says. 'I've just gotta grab some stuff but I'll meet you all there' Shinsou says before walking back into the agency. 'Come on Iida. You can put him in our car and we will take him' Kirishima says as they walk to the parking lot.

When Midoriya awoke, he was in the hospital and the room was filled with worried heroes. He lifted his arm and pulled his mask off. 'What happened?' Midoriya questioned. 'You're awake!' Uraraka startles. 'We were kind of hoping you could tell us that. You showed up to the agency covered in burns and bruises and fainted when we asked you what happened' Momo says giving him a nervous look. The heroes were just hoping they had misheard him before he passed out. They were hoping and praying that it wasn't Bakugou who had done this. 'Umm...' Midoriya mumbles as he tries to sit up in the bed. Shinsou helps him, watching as he flinches from the pain. He sits back against the pillows and takes a deep breath 'Kacchan and I got into a fight. I don't even remember what it was over but he became really aggressive. I've never seen him like that before' Midoriya sighs. 'I mean he was pretty bad back at UA' Sero mutters. 'No, it was worse than UA. So much worse. He-' Midoriya says as he chokes up. 'He threw me against the counter and began to hit me. I- I tried to fight back but he used his quirk against me. I tried to get to the door but he let off an explosion and I hit the wall. I sliced my leg against the coat rack. I finally got away from him and left the house... I just ran for it until I ended up at the agency' Midoriya explains as tears begin to fill his eyes.

 'Please don't cry Midoriya. It'll be okay' Kirishima comforts as Midoriya begins to sob. 'What am I going to tell the kids? They will have to see me like this and I'll have to tell them their dad did this before running away' Midoriya cries. Kirishima and Uraraka try and comfort the small boy as Mina looks around the room. She looks so pissed off. Her jaw is clenched and she's biting her cheek. She pulls out her phone and some of the heroes look at her confused. She dials a number and glares at the phone while she puts it on speaker. 'This is the voicemail of Bakugou Katsuki. I'm too busy fighting villains right now so leave a message and I probably won't get back to you because who the fuck checks their voicemails' the phone says before a long beep. 'Katsuki Bakugou...' Mina growls. 'You better have a fucking good excuse as to why I shouldn't hunt you down right now and murder you. Actually, there is no excuse under the sun that could justify what you did! You fucking beat Izuku and leave! He's in the fucking hospital thanks to you! And what the fuck are we going to tell the kids... I swear if I see you again I will not hesitate to chokeslam you! Don't bother returning. Izuku isn't coming home. Unlike you, his friends will make sure he is safe and loved' Mina growls before hanging up. 

The room looks at her in silence. 'When you get released, we will take you to get the kids and you are coming to stay with me and Kiri' Mina demands. 'But, the kids. I can't let you take in all 5 of us!' Midoriya fights back. 'This isn't up for negotiation Izuku. You will be staying with us. We have the rooms and I would feel better knowing you are safe' Mina says. 'A-are you sure? I would need to go back to our house and get gear for all of us' Midoriya questions. 'It's fine Izuku' Kirishima chimes in. 'And if you need time off for your wounds then that is fine' Momo explains as the doctor walks in. 'Since Midoriya has woken up and his injuries have already been treated while he was unconscious, he is free to go home' the doctor explains handing the discharge paper to Momo. Kirishima and Uraraka help him out of the bed and to the entrance.

The group of heroes make their way to the vehicles. Mina helps Midoriya into their car as Kirishima gets in the driver seat. 'You really don't have to do this Mina' Midoriya says. 'I am not letting you go home by yourself with 4 kids after all that' Mina says not looking back. 'Just let us help you...' Kirishima sighs as the car starts and they leave the hospital. Midoriya can feel his stomach turn in anxiety. What was he going to tell the kids? Was he going to see Kacchan again? What would he say to Mitsuki and Marasu and his mum? How was he going to cope? 

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