The Ace Family

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My name is Mia Aceloreno and this is how I lost my best friend. My journey long before I was born, back when my parents were in their early 20s. They met each other while breaking into the same bank. From families that hate each other their love was never meant to happen. But as star-crossed lovers willing to do anything to be together they ran away and changed their names. A few years later I was born and that's when they finally came up with the last name Aceloreno. Fast Forward, I'm now seven and I'm training my father. He was always about keeping everyone in the best shape possible but some of the training we would do seemed odd. Of course, I never asked questions because I didn't think much of it. Well, that was until now, now everything makes sense.

Today is July 29th and I'm helping my parents move all our stuff into a new house. We just moved back to the U.S. We were stationed in Japan for a little thanks to a job offer my dad got. He was asked to do a major new report on some recent events with a big bank in Tokyo. But now that we are back in the United States I've got to go through the whole new school thing, but this year is different. I've got a mission and a target. The thing that makes my family special is that we come from a line of high-end criminals. If you are born into this life you have no choice... I mean it's family, what am I supposed to do? It's just the way my life has unfolded, but back to the task at hand. This year is one of my first major mission! I have to become friends with the heir to a big bank in Delaware. Lex Co. Bank was the name and my target is 17 year old Jadon Williams. I'll be going to some fancy private school full of rich kids, you can imagine how great that will be. Anyways I still have a few days to settle into our new home. I want to enjoy this before we have to move all over again. I end up helping my parents get their room set up before disappearing off for hours to work on my room. I put my vibe playlist on and the first song to pop up is Hypnotize by The Notorious B.I.G also known as Biggie. It was a pretty good mood setter as I danced around and hung up all my posters and lights. As I was putting away all my small decorations I stumbled upon a flower fan my father got me while in Japan.
*Flashback 2 years*
I walk through the door after coming home from school and I hear my father call my name from the main room. As I walk into the room I see my parents sitting with smiles on their faces. Wasn't sure why but it made me chuckle a bit at their somewhat strange behavior. A few seconds pass before my dad pulls out a tube-like thing, it's wrapped with a cute red ribbon. I grab it and inside is a Japanese-style fan covered in Higanbana otherwise known as the Japanese blood flower or Red Spider Lily. For something that has such a deadly name, it's absolutely beautiful. My dad got it cause it reminds him of me.
*End of Flashback*
I stare at the fan a little longer until gently putting it in a special place to keep it safe. I quickly finish putting away and see there is still sunlight outside. I grab my skateboard and my headphones, why not take a look around my new neighborhood. As I'm riding my board just cruising around while BOOGIE by Brockhampton plays I look at all the houses I'm passing, and they are pretty big. I knew we were in a nice neighborhood but this is something else. I eventually went home.
*First day of school*
Target Jadon Williams, the mission is to become close and get information on the bank. As I walk through the hallways looking for an average high male with black hair. His folder said he was pretty popular so it shouldn't be too hard to spot him. After a while of walking, I finally made it to my class, and almost as if it were fate I spotted him. It was open seating so this was perfect to make a move. I sat down across from him now striking up a conversation was the hard part. How do you talk to a guy who seems so focused on his phone? Whatever I've just got to get his attention. The day goes on and I've found out we have 5 out of 8 classes together. Yet every attempt to talk to him was a fail. Someone would always seem to pick the worst time to start talking to him, but finally, I got my opening. It was awkward at first but the tension slowly faded and we seemed to click. Turns out "Mr. Popular'' was actually nice and played for a D1 team, you know thanks to his family's fame and status. A few months had passed and getting to know Jadon seemed to give me a breath of fresh air from my family's reality. Knowing that having to use him to get information seemed more and more uneasy. In such a short time, I didn't expect to become so close to some
A guy like this. He was my best friend. How could I have betrayed him at this point? I knew this would come back to haunt me later but for now, I want to have a normal life, plus Halloween is coming up soon. Jadon and I want to go to a haunted house on Halloween night. It's now October 15t and my parents have been keeping tabs on my progress with my target and making sure I stay focused on the main task at hand. I couldn't tell my parents that I wasn't sure about this anymore. But I couldn't be too focused on that right now, thanks to my parents I've just found out that we have until November 1st to complete this and move out to our next safe house. Breaking the news to Jadon seems a little heartbreaking but it's the life I live and I don't have much of a choice. The next time I see Jadon I explain to him that I have to move soon, and our last day together would be Halloween night so we should do something big. He quickly agreed although sad to see me leave he wanted to make the most of our time together. For days we would hang out at his house learning different things about each other just in case we fell out of touch after I left. And he shared family secrets with me that very few people knew of. In return, I shared a few unknown facts with him about me and my family.
*Present time*
Today is the day that we finally go through with the mission. A small family team led by my dad and supervised by my mom were going to break into the Lex Co. Bank, the biggest bank in Delaware. I was part of the grand team with my father and with our skills breaking it was easy. Once we got what we needed we quickly headed out, but of course not without leaving the legendary Aceloreno family symbol marking off that we have been here.
Oh and if you are wondering what happened to Jadon weeeellllll... I sent him an address out in the middle of nowhere and told him to meet me here for our last goodbye. Only to be met with a well-aimed shot from a family hitman I hired. We can have any potential information about us getting leaked or let the Lex Co. Bank ever have a chance of coming back from our attack. It's just the way his life unfolded for him.
~word count: 1364~

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2021 ⏰

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