Wasted in a wasteland of an endless sea

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The seas of Tevyet were vast and almost unnatural with their uncertainty. One of the famous sailors was captain Beidou and the crux fleet who roamed the seas. She was currently on an expedition out to investigate a strange object floating above the sea. 

Sailor: Captain? What are we looking for?

Beidou: Not entirely sure, but the mora is good so we should at least give it a look.

Soon there was a blast of fire in the sea that was blinding against a nearby island.

Sailor: By the archon!

Beidou: Sail towards that wreck! There must be survivors!!!

Sailors: Yes ma'am!!

The ships sailed fast towards the bellowing smoke and they saw metal and canvas in odd patterns. It was similar to a balloon but elongated and re enforced by metal. There was strange items and odd patterns  spread out. It was unlike any ship they had seen.

Sailor: What in Archons name is this? 

Beidou: Stay focused men! Look for survivors!

Beidou scanned the water and saw several bodies that were burnt and deceased until she saw some figure who wore Inazuma like attire and a fox mask, a Pyro vision at his side and he was not as injured but still, there was a chance to save him. Beidou without thinking, took off her coat and dove into the water and grabbed this survivor and swam back to her ship. She was pulled up onto the deck and the survivor was sprawled out and not breathing. Beidou immediately went to do chest compressions to revive this stranger. She kept pressing on his chest and checked to see if he was breathing. She soon used mouth to mouth resuscitation to try and get any response from this survivor. After a few seconds he immediately started coughing up water. He was finally conscious.

??: *coughing* Where am I? * sees Beidou slightly over him* Who are you?

Beidou: Captain Beidou of the Crux fleet, and you are?

(y/n): (y/n)... but... that's all I remember

Beidou: Come on *picks him up and gets him on his feet* lets get you warmed up.

Beidou lead him to an open crews quarters and let him get some rest and try to warm up from being in the freezing water. She sat with him and gave him a hot cup of tea and a blanket to keep the warmth in. 

Beidou: So you don't remember anything?

(y/n): Sorry but no... I know how to fight but when it comes to who I am... All I know is my name

Beidou: Unfortunate. But feel free to rest up here. Let me know if you need anything else. 

Beidou soon got up and made her way out but stopped when she heard him mutter

(y/n): Th-Thank you 

Beidou: *smiles* You're welcome~

As soon as she closed the door, (y/n) looked into his tea and thought only one thing.

(y/n): She was really pretty...

In the morning, Beidou was up and keeping the fleet in check. Commanding her crew in various ways and ensuring they set sail to the correct harbor in Liyue. She soon looked to the crew quarters and saw (y/n) emerging from the door and looking around. He was not bothered by the sailors at all and in-fact knew his way around a ship quite well. Helping with some of the smaller tasks. Beidou was smiling at this new crew member helping out. She soon approached him and she noticed now...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2022 ⏰

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