Do We Still Love?

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Carol: aww its ok baby (as she hugged Nicki)
Nicki: I will be back later mom, I have to go get my phone (as she grabs her babies)
Carol: are you gonna walk?
Nicki: yes...
Carol: it's not healthy to walk while you're carrying babies and while you're in pain, use my car
Nicki: ok I will be back later and thank you mom.
Carol: anytime babe (as she and Nicki smiles)
She puts the babies in their car seat and heads to Rihanna's house. She gets the babies out and knocks on the door.
Rihanna opens it.
Rihanna rolls her eyes.
Rihanna: what the hell you want?
Nicki: my phone .... And you
Rihanna: hmm that's not gonna happen but before you leave, I have to show you something.
Nicki: are we gonna breaking up?
Rihanna: .... Umm .... That's your choice, make it up (as she leads Nicki and her babies in the house).
They sit on the couch and Rihanna shows her her phone
"Bitch this is proof" Rihanna said.
Nicki's phone showed messages that Ciara sent while Nicki was gone.
Messages From Ciara:
"Baby when are you gonna send the verse"
"Are you there sweetie"
"Text back Nicki, I'm started to get worried, are you hurt?
Rihanna: why would she call you those names?
Nicki: that was the first time she called me baby
Rihanna: you always have an excuse but I gave you too many passes, I proposed to you, all I asked for you to do for me was to be honest, is that too much for you Nicki?
Nicki: no and I appreciate you and I love you (she said about to cry) Make me your wife, I want you (she said looking into Rihanna's eyes)
Dricki now starts crying " what's wrong baby" Nicki said. "ri gat to be" she said (baby words) "aww she said ri" Nicki said looking at Rihanna.
Rihanna: Nicki
Nicki: Yea?
Rihanna: I want you too
Nicki: those words remind me of the first time we had sex
Rihanna: You remember when we were friends?
Nicki: Yea then we just fell in love out of no where ❤
Rihanna: youre so gorgeous, I love -
Rihanna was interrupted by Nicki's phone ranging.
(Rihanna still had the phone in her hand) , she looks at it and shows Nicki in her face, it said "Ciara".
Nicki gets the phone and answers.
Nicki: Hello?
Ciara: hey babe, I was wondering what was wrong.
Nicki: I'm fine, I was just busy.
Ciara: oh ok when are you gonna send me the verse
Nicki: tonight
Ciara: ok thank you I'm so excited
Nicki: youre welcome, I have to go bye
Ciara: you have to go? we really haven't talked yet
Nicki: I will call later
Ciara: ok bye booky
Nicki: bye Ciara
Nicki hangs up and look at Rihanna, she was just staring at Nicki.
Rihanna: so what are y'all doing tonight?
Nicki: nothing. I will send her my verse tonight then we will talk a little and that's all.
Rihanna: right when I was about to tell you I love you ugh
Nicki: you sound jealous but I get it.
Rihanna: I'm not jealous, I'm the only girl that's supposed to have you but since I love you with all of my heart you want me, will you marry me? (She said pulling out the ring)
Nicki: yes!
Rihanna: I love you
Nicki: I love you too (she said both hugging) and (they both about to cry).
Rihanna: Now can I trust you?
Nicki: yes, nothings going on between me and her.
Rihanna: ok



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Love Triangle 3:Nicki MinajWhere stories live. Discover now