Chapter 1

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Samuel was currently resting in his room after that experience
Thinking to himself about why his parents could have been hiding his epithet from him
But his thoughts were interrupted by a Loud
"Bing bong Beep Boop" That repeated
It was his phone one of his friends were calling him
He picked it up,
his friend responded by saying "Hello Samuel!"
"Oh hey Dude" Sam responded
"How's your day going?" His friend asked Sam
"I woke up 2 hours ago, but it has been going good" Sam answered his friend's question
"Oh, Well it isn't like you to not call me when you wake up" His friend said a bit concerned
"Sorry, I was just Thinking about something" Sam told his friend over the phone
"Oh alright, it's fine, but as I was gonna ask you when I originally called you, Are we still gonna go to the diner for a milkshake" They asked
"Oh, Yeah, sorry I nearly forgot, you know me" Sam answered
"Well alright, see you in 10 then" They said
"Alright, Bye!" Sam said
There was a bit of awkward silence sense they didn't know who should hang up, Til Sam's friend hung up
Sam dressed up for his Trip to the diner, then someone walked in
It was his sister, Susan Raymond, she was a model Student and Always followed the rules
"Why you getting dressed up?" She asked
"Just going out" Sam responded
"Going out with Your girlfriend?" She Joked with him
"She isn't my girlfriend!" Sam Said a Bit irritated by her little joke
"Sure she isn't, Well you have fun, and get back by 10 : 00, Ok?" Susan said
"Alright, I'll be back earlier most likely sense I don't have much do to besides this" Sam Responded
Sam walked out of his room after getting dressed, and walked out the door, It would be a long walk to the diner
He could ask his parents to drive him, but he doesn't want them to Tease him about this too
His friend would be there long before Sam even seen the diner


Sorry i havent uploaded any chapters in a while
I have been thinking of another story not based off epithet Erased
So i may work on this story and that story at the same time or just work on one or the other
Signed Uni

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2021 ⏰

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