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Our story begins in a city called Pretoria, a thriving city in the province Gauteng, South-Africa. And in that city is a school, Glen Highschool to be exact. Dispite the name it houses students from grade 1 through to grade 12.

But thats not important, whats important is who's in that school.

Right now we're focusing on a grade 4 class and in that class is a boy being laughed at because he was shy and an orphan.

This boy is Frank Stewart or 'Mouse' (not until later though).

You see Frank was born an orphan, with his mother tragically dying during Franks birth. And his father disapearing after finding Franks mother was pregnant. Frank was shy because he was practically the only black kid in school and was basically the tallest in his grade and a few grades up. And we all know kids... they dont like different. So they bullied Frank.

Right now we see Frank sitting at his desk colouring in a picture of a house while ignoring the kids that was gossiping and giggling about him. When all of a sudden all his pencils were thrown across the floor, he looked up only to see his number one bully, John.

"Whats up freak?" John asked

"..." Frank said nothing due to being shy and just not wanting to talk to him.

"You can talk right?"he asked getting agitated

Only to be met with more silence. The bully scoffed and walked away while the rest were laughing.

Frank started picking up his pencils only to realize one was missing. He sighed and looked around but found nothing.

"Hello" said a voice behind him.

He turned around to see a dark haired boy holding his pencil.

"Dont listen to those bullies. Im Emile Caiden and Im new here. Whats your name?"

"Frank" said Frank softly

"Frank, thats cool. So Frank wanna be friends?" Asked Emile.

Reluctantly, Frank nodded and Emile grabbed a chair and began colouring with him.

Neither of them knew but this would blossom into a friendship that would last a lifetime.

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