The Proxy

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May 6, 1997
Dear diary, It has been three days since I first started visiting the woods after school. I haven't seen the man only heard the static. I wonder if I will ever actually see him. My mother has been increasing violent with me and people have started asking questions. I don't know how much more of this I can take.

May 8, 1997

Dear diary, I actually saw him I mean most of him I couldn't bring myself to look at his face. It seems as if he wants to make me an offer and take me away from all this. On another note CPS talked to me at school today they are scheduling a visit. Even if they do check up on me my mom will just clean up her act to get them to go away then things will just go back to normal that's how it always goes.

June 1, 1997

Dear diary, I know I haven't written anything in a long time I haven't had the time to but today was big. Today I had set myself free! I killed my mother and set our small apartment ablaze then retreated into the woods to be taken away by my white faced Savior ! He called me a Proxy!

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