Chapter Two

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Daya tied her apron into a neat bow and pressed it gently against the small of her back. She let out a deep breath and a few strands of hair blew into the dusty air. She then looked at herself in the mirror, pulling her hair into a ponytail. A few pieces of hair fell out around her face, but she didn't bother to tie them up. They would fall out anyway there was no point. 

She had worked at the manor for about a week now. Cleaning the bedrooms, folding the laundry, pressing the sheets, washing the dishes. Today, she was on meal prep. This was by far her favorite of the things she might be assigned. And, on top of that, the young vampire who caught her could not follow her around. 

His name was Gold. He was Lady and Lord Mitrea's son, who was quite fond of the female slaves and loved to corner them any chance that he could. While never explicitly raunchy or degrading, he did often imply sexual inuendos toward some of the young women, which they responded to in vulgar fashion. He found this amusing. For him, it was a game. 

Daya pulled up her stockings as she considered her previous encounter with Gold. She had been cleaning his room; bending down to dust and get the corners, and then, making his bed. He had come in when she was leaning over the mattress and placing pillows. Gold had stood in the door a moment, Daya said nothing. Then, he whistled hoping to get a reaction. She rolled her eyes to herself but said nothing. Finally, he walked over to her and gave her a nice up and down. 

"Do you mind?" she said, turning to him annoyedly. 

"Not at all, I'm admiring lovely handy work," he said arrogantly. Daya scoffed in his face and moved to leave the room. She had finished. 

"Oh, all done?" he asked, walking after her. Daya ignored him, although cheeky and pushy, she never felt threatened by him or anything he said. It was clear he liked to tease more than to pursue any of the women working here. However, many of these girls did throw themselves at him, and he happily obliged to give them whatever attention they might crave. 

Daya pushed the memory away as she stood to go to the kitchen. Her walk there was quiet and peaceful. The morning sun shone through the windows and kissed her cheeks as if to greet her for the day. She reveled in these moments and felt they made her days easier. 

Upon entering the kitchen, Daya had found she was the first one there. She had walked to the sink, washed her hands, and the started brewing coffee for those in the house. Everyone would be waking up soon, and she didn't want to be late. 

While the vampires in the house certainly did not need to eat food, they enjoyed having things like pastries and coffee. It was more of a pass-time for them, and they were able to spend time with their favorite servants. Every member of the family had them, and they would all share them as well. It was interesting to Daya to see the polygyny that vampires often displayed even though Lady and Lord Mitrea were clearly in love and committed to one another. She wondered if maybe they just enjoyed tag-teaming slaves. 

Daya poured herself a cup of coffee, added some cream, and then took a small sip. After this, she began putting together a plate of pastries and a platter of fruit with assorted dips. The "workers", as the vampires called them, ate well and slept in their own bedrooms. The treatment was surprisingly humane to Daya. In fact, she was living better than she was at home. 

As she was gently stacking chocolate croissants, she saw movement out of the corner of her eye. She caught sight of Gold standing in the doorway, and she jumped startled. 

"Oh my fucking god, you scared me!" she yelped. He laughed at her, mouth open wide in a toothy grin. 

"You're not even supposed to be awake! You never come down here either..." she said, now getting suspicious of him. 

"Well, I thought you'd be cleaning my room today. But, I guess I was wrong...." he said, looking at her slyly. 

"You have the wrong girl, I am not scheduled to clean your room for a week...don't look at me like that" Daya demanded, going back to her stacking. 

"Oh, who is cleaning today then?" He asked, slightly disappointed. 


"Oh, I see," Gold smiled. Daya frowned, she had once accidentally walked in on Charlotte and Gold. She had been totally disgusted and alarmed. Later, she wondered how that had happened to her in the first week that she was here. 

"You could join us." He offered, interrupting her thoughts. Daya choked. No way in hell. 

"No way in hell," she repeated her thoughts, and he deflated slightly. 

"You're telling me no?"

"Yes, I'm telling you no," Daya affirmed. Gold nodded. 

"Ok, if you say so..." 

"You act like I'm missing out when you have a different girl every night. Maybe that works for you all, but not for me." Gold nodded. He then turned around then walked away. Daya watched him go a moment. Again, for a fuckboy he seem so respectful she thought. 

About ten minutes later, the other girls on duty entered and helped Daya set the dining room up for breakfast. Platters out, coffee poured, places set, and now it was time for lunch. Lunch and dinner were Daya's favorite part of meal prep day because she was able to cook. 

This was also the time that the vampires in the house fed. They could go about this two ways: first, they could feed on a servant who was willing. Daya had heard that this was actually very pleasant for both parties involved and that it was mixed in with sex and foreplay to make it enjoyable. Secondly, they could simply drink from the supply in the kitchen. This was animal blood that they acquired through the same butcher that sold them their meat. Most everyone opted for both, except for the Mitreas' only daughter, Anya, who opted for the second option usually. 

Daya set out the cups of blood with plates of food. It smelled rancid to her and often she held her breath when carrying the cups around. The other girls could not seem to stomach it any better than she could, so she took the loss with as much grace as she could. 

By the end of the day, Daya was thoroughly exhausted. It was about midnight when she finished cleaning the kitchen and was heading to her room. On the way, she passed Gold's and heard Charlotte inside giggling. She walked by quickly, not wanting to know. 

She entered her room, closed the door and locked it, then turned on the light. There was Gold, standing in the middle of her room. She screamed and jumped. 

"Sorry, sorry, sorry!" he apologized, similarly holding out his arms as when she had first met him. 

"What the fuck are you doing in here?" she said, looking alarmed. 

"I'm bored," he answered quickly. 

You're...bored?" She asked, not believing him. 

"Yes," he responded nodding. 

"I don't believe you," she said back, walking past him. 

"Why?" he whined. She sighed. 

"Because of our conversation earlier. Go play with Charlotte, or Annie, or Lily, or any other girl who wants you," Daya said pulling out pajamas for after her shower. Gold pouted. 

"I've had my fun with them. I feel like I'm not getting much from them anymore," he sighed. 

"So break up," Daya said, nonchalantly.  Gold looked at her exasperated. 

"It's not that simple, I do like them, but I want-" 

"To add something else in?" Daya asked, incredulously. 

"Yes!" Gold said, happily. 

"Well, I'm not interested." 

"Why?" Gold asked. 

"Because I'm here to get my family help, not play princess or some shit." Gold looked down defeated. 

"Fine, what about friends?" 

"Yes, fine, but no trying to get in my pants. Now get out, I need to shower." Daya demanded. 

Gold walked happily out of the room, slamming the door behind him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2022 ⏰

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