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## heya heya!! here I am with a new fic because i cant get this out of my brain so here ya go. this is a kid fic , so i already am obsessed. hope it turn out good and yall love what you read here. 

Oct. 22nd , 2024

Time is intimidating. It has three heads, and each head asks for a sacrifice.

Past , present and future , everyone and everything needs a part of our being, consuming us in their vicious flow. Convincing us to leave our plans and stay in trance of one of them or another.

And the trance catches us in rose tinted visions. Sometimes life goes by like a car ride, windows down , everything passing by in blur and we are sitting in constant stare.

"Lad close the fooking window, it's chilling me bones."

Zayn looked at Louis , blinking at the heavy stubble on his face. Time indeed works fast. He wouldn't have recognised this guy in a formal shirt , peppy trousers having a fancy beard and slick feathery hair in a ponytail.

"Thought the big bad Tomlinson wouldn't teeter like a kid by wind anymore. Sorry mate!!" He sniggered as Louis blindly reached out to smack his chest.

His phone rang in mid causing Louis to curse and pat his pocket.


"Yeah yeah , just keep driving."

Zayn carefully removed the iphone from his pocket as he looked forward and picked up the call. They have been driving for hours now.

"Heya Eli El!" There was ruckus on the other side as he waited for Elenaur to return to the call, meanwhile putting the speaker on.

"Oh Zee heya!! Sorry Laila has been having a temper since morning. Oh its ok baby it's just uncle zee."

He flinched at the sudden shriek followed by wailing. He sighed looking back at Lou who had the tiniest smile , brighter glint in his eyes as he started talking.

"Oh my lovey is missing me already yeah? I'm gonna be back soon, my bub."

Of Course there wasn't any reply as the five month old shrieked even more.

"Someday she is gonna pluck my ears off. Louis next time you wake her up in middle of nap im going to kick your ball-"

"Ay ay ay no such thing in front of my queen come on babe. I would have felt so bad if I were to leave without telling her."

"Like she knows right. Zayn hit him from my side hun!"

He didn't get to cover before Zayn smacked his head not so hard but not softly either.

"OI!! You both , I hate you both. "

Elenaur ignored him as she kept humming to a calm Laila. Zayn could picture that tiny face of her scrunched in her mother's side , trying to avoid all sources of light and complaining even in her sleep. "Have you reached yet?"

Louis made a grunting noise as they passed by a creek, Zayn was suspecting they might have lost the way.

"Just half an hour I guess. Did you talk to anyone else?"

"Yep!! I texted Maya.. Liam is on the way but I guess he might have reached. It was two hours ago."

"Alright sweetness, might need to see arrangements before i send the van for y'all yeah?"

Zayn looked outside not feeling like keeping up with their conversation and grabbed a hair tie to tie up his hair , even though they are too small to go in a ponytail.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2021 ⏰

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