As Dreams Take Flight - Chapter One - Phoenix

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  • Dedicated to My Family~<3.


SORRY THAT THIS IS SO SHORT! I am introducing everything so it won't have much detail. Chapter two will be longer, I promise. Please comment! Critisism will be taken as long as it is productive.


"Man, can't you take a joke?"


I flipped my blonde hair over my shoulders, shutting down a giggle. We were outside on the field, and "we", meaning the whole junior high, including some teachers. Some chicks were going at it, like all the time. See, this was routine. Every day, same time, same place, we had a show with lunch. Today, it was

Amber and Shelby.


"A joke is something people laugh at, not cry at." Amber shot back, hissing the words rather than speaking them.


"Yea, well, everybody around us seems to be laughing. And this is why you can never get a boyfriend." Some laughs and awes went around at that. Shelby the Sinner was what we all seemed to call her around here. She had red hair and looked and sounded like the devil if she wanted to. Not to mention nearly everyone here was a catholic but her, so it just played out perfectly.


Amber's fists clenched, her knuckles cracking. She blew her black hair out of her face. "Shut up."


"Oh, am I being too harsh? Honey, this is just the beginning." Shelby grinned, her shiny white teeth glinting. 


And that's when Amber lost it. "SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP!" She groaned and flew herself at Shelby. The sound that escaped her mouth sounded un human. It was more like a wounded animal crying for help.


Shelby's hair whipped around and everyone gasped. As it seemed, the real fun was about to begin.




They had been fighting for about 15 minutes before a teacher decided to end the joy. Some of the bystanders had joined in and three knives were pulled, so it might have been a good idea to end the party.


"Hey, Sylvia!" A hand fell on my hand and the other around my shoulders. A smile broke free as I turned around to see my boyfriend, Phoenix. "Hey, baby." He swung me around and looked into my eyes.


"I saw you laughing at Amber earlier." He let go of my hand. "You're lucky I love you, or I would have-"I cut him short as I slammed my lips against his. Our tongues pressed against each other's and a slow moan escaped his lips as he continued to hold my hand.


A shriek whistle chimed the air. "Hey hey, move the action to a room!" Someone called. I pulled away and giggled softly as Phoenix brushed my flowing hair out of my eyes.


"I got to run. I love you, so much. Catch ya later, beautiful." He let go of my hand and as fast as he approached, he was almost gone, joining a group of guys I barely knew.


"I love you too!"


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