Chapter 3

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The streets of new york were once people walked and had there day now it was empty and abandoned full of evil and not enough good people

But now the question is are they being punished or need to know something
At the streets of new york

Captain America:GET DOWN

Seeing iron man getting tossed over

Captain marvel fired her lazer but electro jumped on her

Electro:Ill take some of that*sucking her power off*

Captain marvel:Get him off!!!

Jessica went to punch him but scorpion jumped on her and chocked her

Scorpion:This is free heros territory

She hulk punch him away

Then feeling dart in her skin

Kraven:You are not so different from an angry tiger

Wolverine came rushing full berserker

Kraven all cool and calm tosses him a dart and he freezed

Wolverine:What is this

Kraven:Medusa spider poison wont kill you but will lower your heart rate

Hydro man went around and put people in a water bubble to drown

Hawkeye tried his best but vulture tossed his wing blades

Hawkeye:Is that the best you can do

Shocker came from behind

Shocker:1000 years of death*blasting him*

Hawkeye flew away

Captain America:Avengers stand strong

Black widow:HELP*she was pinned by debris

Captain America rushed to saved her

Black widow:Thanks captain for being so stupid

Captain America:What?

Black widow disappear and out came mysterio

Mysterio lazer shot him

Captain America:agg

The x men came down from above

Cyclops:Lets show them how its done...x men to--then a black symbiote grabbed him


Jean tried to pull him but then rhino came an knocked them all down

Rhino:This time bring you down

Storm tries to shock him but then she was hit by a bomb

Hobgoblin came down

Emma:Oh what the hell

Then sandman came and squashed most of them

Emma tries use her mind powers but venom tosses cyclops at her

Venom:This is beautiful

Beetle came shooting down

Beetle:Cant deny it it is amazing

Wolverine was in the floor in pain

Wolverine:You wont win

Kraven kicked him down along with other heroes who feel down

Kraven:Our leader this other wise

Then a robot arm wrapped around him and was shown to belong to otto

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