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There once was a girl who would always go to the library. why?, you may ask, well she hadn't realized it yet but that's the only place that ever gave her comfort. She's always loved the smell of books and the warm atmosphere of the library when she came in, but the one thing she didn't notice were the striking green eyes of a handsome young man that had always seemed to be watching her. Hiding in the shadows stood a tall figure with hypnotic green eyes watching the girl curiously and thinking "has it really been this long? Everything seems so different now." The handsome young man has yet to reveal himself to the girl, continuing to watch her from a far, wondering what she's reading now.

It's only the two of them in the library now, the girl lost track of time too busy in her world of adventures, while the young man still lingers in the shadows watching her. The girl came back to reality wishing she could have stayed in her fantasy world for just a little longer, but sadly she had to go home. The young man felt melancholy knowing that he won't be able to see the girls beautiful smile again until tomorrow, but he knew she would be back, she always came back. So he started to fade leaving a lingering smile behind knowing that he will see her again the very next day.

She showed up the next day, "something's off" he thought to himself. She seemed heartbroken, her eyes looked exhausted, the bags under her eyes swollen as if she had been crying. "Something is definitely off". Her deep brown eyes which were usually filled with life were now empty, her skin pale, she was picking at her nails nervously. She looked like a different person. He needed to know what happened. Maybe it was time he reveals himself to her. "No.. I have to talk to her, I have to, I can't leave her to dwell alone like this" so he finally stepped out of the shadows, nervous. He tries to build up the courage to move, but it feels like his feet are glued to were he was standing.

"I have to" he repeated to himself. He forced himself to move "this isn't the time to be a coward" he thought to himself. So, he walked. To the girl, putting his gentle but firm arm on her shoulder, trying to comfort her without scaring her. " Whats.. what's wrong" he mumbled, not loud enough for her to hear him. She feels a hand on her shoulder. It felt... safe. She turned around and saw him. A random man. She looks into his forest green eyes and feels something... something warm, like she can trust him. He was struck with surprise when she turned to look at him. He takes in all her beauty, the way her eyes looked so softly into his. She asks "who.. are you?.."

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