Part15: Discussions

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Emoni was being released from the hospital and had her crunches going down the elevator

She received her medication at the front desk and when she got outside it was falyn and not Kentrell

Emoni- Where he at?

Falyn- Damn not even a hey to the one person who supported you your whole life and your one and only friend?

Emoni- I know fay but he said he was gone pick me up

Falyn- come on

She put her stuff in the back seat and got back there with it

She FaceTimed him but it went straight to voicemail

Falyn- Bae stop worrying bout him

Emoni- I can't

Falyn- Why you acting obsessed

Emoni- I am...

Falyn- Why?

Emoni- he was the only person I saw every time I woke up in the hospital besides you because I didn't want you to

Falyn- why is that

Emoni- Look at me...i look hella rough

Falyn- And it's not your fault

Emoni- said the right thing and what I wanted to hear but he just say some out of the box things like he told me the first time I said that, that these are battle scars and then he pointed to his bruises on his forehead. And said when people tell you your scars ugly say talk to me when you get three tiger stripes

Falyn- Awww

Emoni- Falyn... I know you my bestfriend and stuff but you know how I always had that thing to where I never cared about dying you I don't want to leave you but that if I happen to die I wouldn't care?

Falyn- Yup I hate when you say that

Emoni- He just give me-

Falyn- A reason to stay alive?

Emoni- Yes but no it's like a reason worth living not surviving but living.

Falyn- I'm hurt

Emoni- Sis I'm being serious though like I ain't never like actually cared like he was just I DONT KNOW like I had unfinished buisness with him... bitch I was like for real dead like I had no pulse

Falyn- I know I saw the video

Emoni- Bitch if he is to leave me I would go fucking crazy like this man is the love of my life like I would never recover from him

Falyn- Dick that good Huh *laughs*

Emoni- No Bih I had it one time and we don't remember shit

Falyn- Then it can't be that good

Emoni- Maybe not but we was high

Falyn- How high

Emoni- Shit how high edibles and expensive weed get you

Falyn- Shit expensive weed alone get you fucked up

Emoni- Ok then yeah we ain't remember nothing

Falyn- And you ain't getting your memory refreshed anytime soon

Emoni- Maybe not but that's just gone make it even better when we do

Falyn- Can't argue with that you gone be mad dick pressed

Emoni- I don't care really

Falyn- *almost slams breaks*

Emoni- Falyn come on Bih I'm already scared to be in a car again

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