The day of....

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Pierson POV
beep beep beep
I smack my alarm and groan. It's 7:30. Time to get ready for work. I got dressed and ate breakfast. After brushing my teeth, I made my way over to my closet. Smiling, I opened the door and looked for my favorite dress. It's sleek, red, and short. I found my matching heels and pulled them out. I laid all those things on my bed. I'm just putting them there so I'll have more time to do my hair and makeup for tonight. I'm superrr excited- but I have to survive work first. Its especially hard when your boss is a total jerk. He really gets on my nerves. Its part of life- I guess. Anyway, I'm really stoked for this date with Brent. I haven't gone out with someone in a while. And Brent feels... Different. In a good way. He seems genuine- plus, hes really cute!
L (logan): Pierson! You have to leave in 10 minutes!
P: Oh! you're right!
I grabbed a bunch of my items together.
L: What's that for?
He pointed at my dress laying on my bed.
P: oh- um- Nothing!
I threw a blanket over it.
L: Are you going on a date?? With who? Is it Daniel? That dude is awesome. Maybe I can-
P: Ugh Logan. Its not daniel.
I shivered. The thought of him just made me grossed out. Daniel is one of my coworkers who is also a friend of Logan's. He has the biggest crush on me. It's annoying really. I've made it very clear I'm not interested.
P: it would never be Daniel in a million years.
L: Then who are you going out with?
P: I never said I was with anyone.
L: Cmon Pierson. That's your favorite dress. The only time you wear it is very special occasions.
P: Touche. Fine, I am but with nobody you know.
L: :O
P: byeeeee!!
I quickly ran out the door.
L: Wait! PIERSON?!
I got in my car and drove away as fast as I could.
Upon arrival, I saw my co-worker; shes a senior in high school and the other cashier. I waved to her.
N: Why are you so giddy today?
P: What do you mean?
N: You're just super smiley.
P: I'm just happy.
N: Why though?
P: Am I not allowed to be happy?
N: It's a boy, isn't it?
P: How'd you figure out? I was gonna tell you at the gender reveal party.
P: Just kidding, but who told you that it was a boy?
N: Nobody. I just know.
P: Well it isn't a boy.
N: Most definitely is- I know you're going on a date with that cute boy you're always flirting with.
P: what da heck. How do you know?
N: I have my ways.... I can read your thoughts.... Also our cash registers are only a few feet apart, so I heard everything.
P: Oh.
N: yup. Are you excited? - I mean, obviously you are- you came in happier than ive seen you, not that you're always sad. Drained maybe. I dunno but this job is tiring. We deserve raises.
If you hadn't noticed, Naomi loves to talk... A lot.
P: Whatever. Do you think he'll come today?
N: Who? Stephan? He works with us, I think-
P: No, I mean Brent- the guy.
N: Oh definitely. He has a crush on you.
P: I asked him out and he said yes.
N: Do you like him?
P: I don't know him very well. We'll see how this date goes.
P: chilllll
N: Don't you think he seems.... Familiar? I feel like I've seen him somewhere.
P: I don't know.
N: Maybe he was-
MrR (Mr. Rogers, our boss): Hey! Are we almost done having our girl talk? This place opens in half an hour! Get ready!!
Naomi shuddered.
Once Mr Rogers walked away-
N: I hate him.
P: Me too. Hey, do you know who's on grill duty today?
N: Jack? Maybe Jemma. Or Daniel.
P: I thought Jemma did it yesterday?
N: Then maybe Jack. Where is Stephan today?
Naomi, Stephan, and I all work together and we've become good friends. Stephan is 23 and Naomi is 18.
P: I think he's working the window.
N: Oh nice.
P: Yeah, that must-
I was interrupted by Mr Rogers screaming from the kitchen.
The employee, named Zeik started arguing back.
Dell threw his hat down, ripped off his apron thingy and stormed out.
N: I really hope that's not me one day.
P: Me either.
Fast forward to lunch.
I look at my watch. Noon. Brent should come for lunch soon- I mean he probably doesn't even get McDonalds everyday. Why am I waiting? He's probably not coming.
Then, I saw him. He came in with 2 other guys. He waved to me and I waved back with a smile. His friends started whispering to each other.
Customer: HEY! Are you just gonna stand there or will you take my order?!?
P: Oh- uh sorry.
Customer: You better be.
After about 10 minutes, it was brent's turn.
P: hey.
Br: hey.
He smiled at me.
??: So, this is her?
Brent nudged him.
Br: Sorry about him, he's just....
??: Curious. Brent has been talking about his date 24/7.
I giggled.
P: Have you?
Br: Shut up Andrew.
??2: He's not wrong though.
Br: Remember what we agreed to? Don't embarrass me in front of my-.... Friend.
Brent turned back towards me.
Br: Sorry about both of them.
P: its cool. Are they in yoir big friend group?
Br: Yup. This is Andrew and this is Ben.
B: Sup.
P: So is it just you three today?
Br: Yeah.
B: Brent suggested coming here.
Br: Shut up Ben.
I laughed.
P: Well, I'm really excited for tonight.
Br: Me too.
A: Oh believe me- brent is definitely excited.
Brent elbowed him in the ribs.
P: So what can I get for you guys today?
Br: Can i get....
After ordering, paying, and receiving the food....
Brent nudged his 2 friends towards the door.
Br: I just wanted to give you this-
He handed me a 10 dollar bill.
P: What's this for?
Br: The amazing service.
P: Awww thank you so much 💕💕
Br: Anything that puts a smile on your face.
He turned around and left, leaving me blushing behind the register.

The next part is the preparation for the date!!! Stay tuned 💕💕💕💕

The next part is the preparation for the date!!! Stay tuned 💕💕💕💕

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