gogy wogy fogy togy logy dogy togy flogy

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after 8656476859669847569568876 years of being together, he proposed to me the ring was a green tellytubbie it was amazing i was above heaven. he said in his handsome sexy anti-nightcore deep voice

 "gogy wogy togy flogy logy dogy kogy bogy nogy vogy cogy xogyzogy sogy pogy.................................. will you marry me?" I was standing still in shock, and I shouted "YES MR  DWEAMY CLAY U-U-U-U-UWU🥺" at the top of my lungs and we moved in together

and lived together happily until one day ...

he became emo ed Sheeran and flew away to the moon as I watched him and I was screaming and crying begging him to not leave me but he drifted away to the moon he said in his sexy voice "my times up I have to do what I need to do on the moon of cheese"

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