Football game

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          "Why is it me? stuff always happens to me!"

          "...and tomorrow's the big game, I'm so excited! Our rival school is coming to play against our schools football team. It'll definitely be the most epic showdown in the history of games before!" as I told my mom everything about school, she looked at me with a small smile creeping on her face. My mother was my best friend, not including Robin Hatcher and Lila Parker. Our relationship grew stronger ever since we had to move to different city a couple months ago. My dad is not here anymore since he has been put in jail, reasoning why we had to move. Not everything has been bad though, my schools nice, I have great friends, and overall life is good. Sometimes though I do have this weird feeling that somethings missing inside me that I haven't figured out yet.

          "That sounds fun! Wish I could be there with you, but I have to work a late shift at the office tonight"

          "That's okay mom, I'll tell Robin and Lila you said hi though!"

         "Okay sweetie!"

        As she finished her last word, we pulled into our apartment parking lot. I swing my door open to step out and help my mother with the groceries piled up in the back. I take the milk which ended up hitting the car door and splitting open spilling on the cold concrete ground. I apologize and pick up the broken plastic laying there. We try to hurry in and up the apartment stairs to number 54 which is our space. 

       After everything is put away and I finish apologizing for the 1 millionth time. I head to my room right by the kitchen and set my stuff down, taking out the laptop and 2 text books to get started on my homework assignments. It's been 30 mins and my phone is already blowing up from Ro(Robin) texting/calling our gc. 

(For the next part its gonna be a call between the three, E= Eli  R=Robin and L= Lily)

         "Why didn't you guys answer faster!" R

          "I am so sorry princess Ro that I didn't answer in 0.2 seconds " E

          "Hhahahahah, anyways whatcha want Ro" L


          "ooooooo who" E

          "Nate Cohen, do you know him?" R

          "OMG him! we used to be good friends back in 2nd grade. We all were or me and Ro" L

        "yep. well I have to go and do homework. bye" E

I leave the call immediately, I love them and all but I hate when they talk about before they knew me. I feel left out and unwanted. I'm glad I left I really need to do this homework since it's.... 11:32!!! OMG I have to hurry and finish.

I do finish by 12:47, which is great, but I should get some sleep now since I'm pretty tired. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2021 ⏰

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