Dillia First Encounter With the Team

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✤Dillia Outfit✤

Dillia starts walking out of her house and sees Benny and smiles and waves at him. And per usual Benny just acknowledge her existence with a simple head nod.
It's been months since Benny and Dillia first met. Dillia just moved in at that time
*The Next Day*
•Dillia Pov•
I was walking my dog around the town while eating my favorite ice cream from Vinny drug store because it was a hot but nice day out.

While walking my dog just randomly stoped, looking in the the direction she was looking in I noticed Benny. He wasn't exactly my neighbor but he lived in the same neighborhood as me. And between us I think he pretty cute! With Benny was a group of boys playing baseball.

I said to my dog Amir "That looks so fun. I should ask them if I could play tomorrow".
Looking down at my watch I new I have a couple hours to continue exploring so I went on my way thinking no one saw me but little did I know that the whole team saw me.
(Thired Person Pov)
The team started talking about Dillia. Squints "whoa what a hottie". Yeah-Yeah "Yeah to cruel" .Kenny "Who she never seen her around this town before". Scotty "  Whoooahhh...." .Benny "Oh that's my neighbor Dillia"

Everyone looks at Benny and started asking him question at the same time "You know her" "Could you get me a date with her" "Are you friends with her" and more about Dillia.
Benny "Whoa hold on she not my friend just my neighbor and plus you guys don't know a single thing about a lady" Timmy "For her I would learn anything" Tommy "Anything..." The whole crew "Mmhmm". Benny "Shut up let's hurry and finish this game already".

With that Benny pulled the rest guys head back into the game, but even his head wasn't all the way into to the game.

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