Chapter 17

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Deshaes POV

When Diamond came up to challenge me I honestly wanted to burst out in uncontrollable laughter but I held it together. Did this girl really think she could beat me? Me?

Getting into position, I raised my hands up to my face and glared as she stared into my eyes for way longer than I'd liked. Some random person counted us in and as soon as they got to zero I was rushing towards her while she stood utterly still. I knew she couldn't do shit. Jumping to land a fly kick on her, my mind suddenly comprehended that her hand was now latching onto my ankle and slamming me down on the other side of the mat.

Embarrassed now, I barely gave myself time to register the pain before leaping back up to amend my pride. I couldn't let this small girl beat me! I swung ferociously at her while she just chuckled heartily, dodging all my attacks with ease. I was getting really angry now.

"Cant do better than that, little boy?" That set me off. I actually landed a hard punch on her jaw and I smiled, knowing victory was mine. As I was just about to deliver the ending blow, everything happened so quickly. She somehow got behind me in 0.3 seconds, swept my feet from under me and twisted my arm behind my back while straddling me. I was so lost, I didn't even know what was going on.

"Can you still beat me now?" I groaned in pain as she pulled my arm harder behind my back. "Surrender," she whispered in my ear. I could hear various voices telling me to give up but I could never. It would kill me, "Surrender now, or I will pull this arm till it pops right off." She wouldn't really do that. I know she wouldn't.

"Break his mother fucking arm baby!" Everyone knew who that came from.

Still trying to get her off me and failing badly, I felt her shrug and then my arm was literally pulled from its socket. I screamed in discomfort and pain as the weight lifted of from my back. "Hey I did warn him," I faintly heard her say before everything went black.

Beeping was what awoke me from my uncomfortable slumber. I groggily opened my eyes and swept the room with my half closed eyes to locate where I was. A hospital? The hell? Then everything hit me like a damn train. Attempting to fall back asleep to escape the embarrassment, I shut my eyes but as soon as I did the door banged open and a whole trail of people shuffled in. "Is this pussy hoe arse nigga even awake yet?" Someone said.

"Sapph. 'Low him, the guy just passed out from a dislocated arm." There was silence until everyone burst out laughing. Humiliation engulfed me and I guess that alerted everyone that I was finally awake. "Bro are you good? You were out for a while. About a whole damn day." I simply nodded and looked around to try and find my second.

"Where's A?" I managed to scratch out.

Despite hearing my throat no one moved to get me water until Diamond's mum was nudged forward. She rolled her eyes hard and practically flung a bottle of water at me. "Told you you should've broken his bloody arm," she said to Diamond and she laughed a bit at this. I was still waiting for an answer and they didn't realise this for a few minutes. "Ohh yeah did you not hear what he said at the ring?" I cringed but shook my head.

"He said quote 'Dumb ass bitch has he not learnt or sum? His weak ass gonna get beat and I ain't gon' take his side this time. Raggedy ass foolish ass cocky as motherfucker. Hmm.' Unquote. So I guess you've got your answer." Replying with a quiet yes, I turned my back to the family as best as I could to get them to notice that I'm done talking with them.

Weirdly, I could hear them playing Rock Paper Scissors. Then someone groaned and began trudging over towards the bed side. I flipped back over to see Diamond leaning in really close to my face. Is this what I think it is? Are we- "Oh damn you really do stink. I beg you go have a shower." Oh.

Thinking she was here to apologise, I sat calmly while waiting for her to start speaking. Finally she did and I smirked. I won. "So when are you gonna announce to you mafia that I beat you?" What? This is what she is concerned about even after she put me in hospital?! "Soo.... You just gonna lay there or what?" I couldn't believe her. I glared at her and she cut her eyes at me. "A deal is a deal. We didn't specify how far we each could go so don't even try go blaming this all on me. You could've surrendered boo. Remember that."

"I- wha- how you-?"

"Boy you better stop stuttering before I come slap it out of you. I hate that shit." Defeated I slumped back down.

"We'll do it in a  week." I grumbled. She smiled really big then patted my shoulder but before she left the room she said, "Wasn't so bad for a little girl was I?" She smirked then headed out the door.

"Girl you should've fucked up his other arm too. Finish the job you know?"

Gah damnn I didn't know mothers could be this violent on a daily basis.

Now what the fuck am I going to do about my feelings? I've undoubtedly messed everything up. Groaning, I fell asleep with the many problems I was facing on my mind.

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