The People in the Campervan.

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"Uh-uh, you two're not leavin' until you've eaten', AJ, go wake up Clementine wouldya'?" Ruby ordered as she handed out bowls of stew to those waiting in line. The frosty morning chill melting away from the warmed breakfast. AJ nodded, running off and up the once pristine marble stairs, swinging the door open, disappearing from the outside.

"Clem! Clementine!" He called, running into their room, only just being tall enough to reach over the bed and shake her body awake. Clem rubbed her eyes, turning her head to look at AJ and the large smile he had on his face. "Heya' goofball" She chuckled, ruffling his hair as she sat up. 

His smile quickly faded into a pout, "Clem, I told you not to call me that.." he grumbled, pursing his lips together. Clementine simply yawned "And I said, you'll always be goofball." After having woken up properly, Clem furrowed her brows. "Did Louis leave without you?" She asked, swinging her leg and a half over the side of the bed grabbing the crutches AJ had already gotten for her. 

AJ shook his head "Ruby wanted us to eat before we leave, so I came to get you!" He chuffed, puffing out his chest, standing close enough to catch Clementine if she had any struggle standing up; not that he'd be able to catch her if she completely fell over but AJ liked to think so. "Aw thanks kiddo." Clem smiled, gripping onto the handles of the wooden crutches adorned with bright and colourful stickers that were mainly ones teachers would use for their students when marking work, but they were nice anyway.

AJ ran ahead, opening the door for Clementine to hobble through. He bounced down the stairs, bobbing on his toes. "Slow down before you give yourself a heart attack" Clementine laughed, finally taking a seat at the table, Ruby bringing over a bowl of the stew for her. AJ sat himself across from Clem, eager to finally start eating. 

"So where exactly are you two going, again? Violet asked, her voice huskier from having only woken up a while ago. Louis and AJ quickly exchanged a glance, figuring out who would answer without saying anything but an eyebrow raise and a nod. "Just a little bit outside the old safe zone - Aasim said he saw some survivors in a caravan or something." Louis explained, placing his spoons down, his bowl empty. 

"You're just going to see if they're dangerous." Clementine urged, it wasn't as if she didn't trust them, she was just worried about not being able to go herself to diffuse any conflict AJ might get into. Louis nodded with a grin, "Of course! If anything happens I can charm my way out of it." He joked, only to get a stifled snort from Aasim. Louis shot him a dirty look. "C'mon man! You wouldn't even be dating Ruby if it weren't for me!" 

Ruby shook her head, "You two sort yer' stuff out, ah'right?" Standing up from the table she glanced over to Violet. "Vi, I needa' change yer' bandages, you got anythin' important t'do?" Violet shook her head. "Nah, I can do it later.." Everyone slowly started to clear from the table, going to start their respective chores for the morning. Aasim and Willy off to clean the dishes down by the river, Omar preparing meats for dinner and Ruby cleaning up Violet's wounds. 

"You ready lil'man?" Louis asked AJ as he got up from the table. AJ pulled out his gun, unlocking the chamber to look at the bullets, three falling out into his palm. "Shit.." he grumbled. Louis still couldn't get over the fact a 6 year old could handle a gun. He would NEVER get over that. "Clem, do you think they'll have bullets?" AJ asked, looking up from his gun, loading the bullets back into the chamber. "Hmm, maybe, bullets are getting really hard to come by now so don't depend on it alright?" Clementine replied, picking up the crutches from the ground, getting to her feet again. 

"Mmm, okay" AJ nodded, swinging his feet up and over his seat, hopping onto the ground. "You sure you uh, don't wanna teach him how to use another weapon?" Louis asked through a chuckle. "At some point" Clem smiled, walking along with the two to the gate. "Just waiting till Ruby says I'm all clear to start doing physical stuff again." Louis nodded, rolling his eyes slightly as he bounced 'chairles' off his shoulder. "Clem, ever eager to get back on your feet, don't go running away from us now" He joked, stepping outside of the school grounds, AJ running after him.

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