Chapter 7: Joe Mama

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all you can think of is who. WHO TOLD?! the question runs like a firework through your mind. although you knew who did it, you didn't want to admit it. your 199293848583929102983383iq
brain figured it out in 0.929282282828288 seconds but, your heard didn't want to admit it.

your eyes flood with tears as you circle the playground, making airplane noises, as per usual. just then you see a circle of kids surrounding the monkey bars. You fly over and see a sight worth therapy for the rest of your life.

Brittany. and Steve.

You shat your pants, out of instinct and as the fart noises echoed around the playground, your shart begins to seep out of your Justice capris.
shit you thought. literally.

As everyone turns to you, looks of disgust spread across their face like mayonnaise, you look only at steve.

His look of anger and pity turns to joy and he leaps over to get a whiff. you sigh. looking down at the shat puddle beginning to form.

It was steve's feeding time.

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