You and I

54 7 2

Yo, um.... hi?
I don't know why,
But I feel a connection
Between you and I.

I know we just met,
But I say my brother,
We all are human.
We all love eachother.

But why keep fighting?
Why all the pain?
Why all the agression?
When we are all the same?

But no matter
I don't care
I have found you,
Now all is fair.

We can be together,
friends forever
We always will love
No hate, not ever.

So when I
Tell you soon
About our fate
We'll go to the moon

So next time
I tell you
About our fate
It'll be soon

We'll fly, fly
Up to the sky
And never come down,
Until we die.

And then, when we die
We'll not be two, but as one
And I'll tell you
I love you.

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