The Next Morning

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I woke up while the sun was shining throw man it's hot in DR well i got up took a shower and put on a black tank top with jeans and put my hair in a side ponytail. I went downstairs and made my self some eggs i went out to the backyard i sat on one of the beach chairs i just sat there eating then when i finished i wanted to take a dip so i got my bikini and got in the pool ahh it's cold thank god, it's cool that it looks small but it's really deep inside i went to the very bottom but then i went to the top cuz i needed air just at that moment i got scared by David he said "hey Denise" i said "good morning David and next time you want to scare me i will throw you in here" he said " god sorry is just that woke up and saw that there was noises coming from out here" i got out of the pool and sat down on the beach chairs so did David i then said "so David what's with you and Milly?" he said "well we are getting to know each other also she is a very nice girl" "that is true she was one of the girls that didn't care she was a orphan she lived life happily" i felt like crying why would my parents leave me im i not good for them out of no where David hold me i just need to let go all i have so i just cried into his chest.  After a few minutes we went back in i put my normal clothing when i got back i saw the rest of the guys were up i gave them something to eat then i heard Keiliani calling me i went upstairs i entered her room and saw that the girls were there too i asked "what are we doing here?" Milly said "because today is the day we send a threat message to these guys band members" ooh i forgot i then said " well lets get on our mask on and black clothes also kk you got the camera" she nodded we all got dressed got some blindfolds and went downstairs the guys weren't facing us so we snecked behind them and blindfolded them they started to panic we got some chairs and tied them up man i love this part Adianis hide everything that can give us away now all you can see is a blank tan wall we started the camera we stood in front of it Milly started off "hello you must be wondering where are your beloved band members" then Keiliani said "well they're right here" we revealed the boys and walked behind them i was in front of Bradley i then said "and there going to be here forever if we don't get what we want" Adianis said "and if we don't get what we want these pretty boys will kiss they're life good bye" we all then took hold of there blindfolds push them back hard the guys all screamed of pain we all then said "so all we want is a couple million dollars and they're free you got 9 days to do so goodluck" i turned off the camera we took off our mask and the guys blindfold they all said "well good morning to you too i always wanted to be blindfolded and tortured in the morning" Adianis then said "stop complaining" we left them there when we upstairs they screamed at us to untie them but we just left them there. We downloaded the video to a CD we pack it up and we went out to send it to L.A. it will get there in minutes they way we sent it man i love my life.

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