Chapter 2

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Anonymous: So do the rest of the bosses (such as Sally Stageplay and Bon Bon) go to the casino? If so, how do they interact with everyone?

"Some came there regularly. Some came in once or twice usually just to seal the deal. Others never come in at all.

Interacted as a patron would to a worker, nothin' to special. ("That hurts someone please help me!!!") They were terrified. (A loud of pain could be heard screaming for help. As the man was consumed by his attackers shadow. His arm was swinging uselessly by his side. As the demon's eye glowed red emotionless expression.)They would gossip about the Devil's new collector when the our boss started his business back up. ("No ones going to help you. You have something I need. Give it to me now. This will be all over.") Me and Mugman tried and never seen them before or anyone else. They just somehow forgot or couldn't see them. Since they are very fast at their work. The ones in debt who tried to run never stood a chance. Funny thing is we have never seen them even though we work here!" Cuphead chuckled nervously as he tapped his finger in the background you could see Bendy dragging a cart full of people into the devil office. Being completely unnoticed as King Dice were wondering how dumb are these brats.
"Cuphead for the millions time I'm pretty sure it Bendy."
"Brother how dare you!! Its not Bendy is to adorable to be capable of hurting someone else!"
"Cuphead you little seen him throw opponents that are ten times his size across the room with one arm. He's able to beat our asses!"
"No he isn't Mugs and first of all- Bendy!!! Let's go out together and hang out like best buds!!" Cuphead screamed across the room as The little devil was reading his blacklist. His eyes widen in shock as Cuphead tackled him in a hug. Bendy squirmed to freedom and bolted closely behind him was Cuphead Naruto running. The list fell next to Mugman's feet as picked it up but was stolen by no other then King Dice.
"Thank you boy I was looking for that."
King Dice walked away as Mugman lifted a eyebrow folding his arm. Wondering who exactly is Bendy?

Anonymous: So what do cuphead and mugman do at the casino? (What does Bendy do?)

"We work as waiters and help in the kitchen."
Bendy was looking around hearing voices again slapping himself in the face wondering? Is he finally insane while whispering softly. "Well I'm a debt collector, errand boy or hit man I don't even know."
Bendy said as he was dancing in the palm of Cala Maria in a pink tutu as payment for him to cross her territory. The two are pretty close they just somehow connected as he continued to perform ballet. Not noticing they were being observed.
The two stalkers blushed bright red with hot steam that was mistaken for fog.

Anonymous: So Cuphead, you seem like the type to enjoy a good prank... have you ever gotten a good prank over on anyone else in the casino?

"Hah! You would think I'm responsible enough to not prank on people in charge who hate me..." Cuphead's memories hit him like a train when he put up no smoking signs everywhere. Making Mr. Wheezy think King Dice added a new policy. Having a mental crisis was he fired because he was a literally cigarette.

"No-one would think that." Mugman deadpanned at his brother. The moment they played a prank on mangosteen as the guest wore looking at him crazy talking to 8 ball.
"But ya know, when the moment strikes, I just can't help myself And shut up, Mugs,you were on with of 'em!


"I actually got caught once..."

"But he ended up joining in on it!" (I think it was a personal grudge) He whispered when Chip helped with Mr chimes the evil monkey.

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