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"what about the race?" langa said looking at reki "obviously gonna do it!" reki said "what about what joe said?" (joe mama) "i don't care!" reki said angrily grabbing his so called soda that is actually milk "what are you, stupid? guzzling down soda like that." miya said while holding reki's cola can

"miya..?" reki and langa said "you've never even properly trained, have you?" miya said continuing his sentence "well, I wrote a training regimen for you"

"you do five whole sets of these?" langa asked "what the hell is this?! is this for an international competition?" reki yelled at miya "yeah, so?" miya answered reki "you might even need to do more than this" miya told reki "you want to beat adam, don't you?" miya said continuing his sentence

"you'll definitely lose, reki i mean no offense but you know.." I said shrugging "WHAT THE HELL?!! SINCE WHEN DID YOU GET HERE Y/N" reki yelled surprised "oh, since now I was just gonna skate but I saw you guys it would be rude to not say hi" I said smiling

"you were gonna skate.. without me?" miya said raising one eyebrow "yeah, deal with it" I said laughing sarcastically "you suck" miya said "lovers quarrel?" reki said eyeing us both "I don't know what you're talking about" I said giving him a death stare

"yeah, how's mom and dad?" miya asked me "no" I said knowing he's teasing me "what? i'm just asking you" miya said giving me a confused look while smirking "ha ha, now bye i'm gonna skate" I said walking away from them but a hand reached for my arms to prevent me from walking away

"no, you're coming with us" miya said with a stern voice, "wow okay" I said annoyed


"why we getting in a random car bro" I asked confused "we finna rob this car" miya answered back "dope" i said to him as i see a guy with.. let's just say a haircut and.. orange? really? and he's going in the car, wow am I gonna get arrested

"what.. the hell! you?!" the guy yelled surprised to see us "please old man shadow! give us a lift to crazy rock" reki said begging to the guy "i'm 24 years old!" he said mad "you don't look like it" I said having that disgusted look

miya just silently laughed "anyway, who's this shadow you're talking about?" the guy said pretending to not know, "you're not fooling anyone" miya said back to him "please!" "please." reki and langa said, "I'll tell that lady if you don't." miya said threatening him and I assure you that car moved as fast as my father left me

"I am doing this once and only once" the guy said and they just kept on blabbing some shit about adam and miya


shit bruh they gon race now.. "you should back out." miya said to reki as reki became surprised "I don't need his apologies" miya said continuing his sentence, "miya..." reki said looking at miya, "you know, i want to kick adam's ass" reki said "right behavior" i said to reki

"well you can't do it!" miya said "it's not about you can do it or not, he's trying because he wants to" langa said smiling to miya "right?" "yes! this guy gets it!"

"there he is! adam!" many people yelled jeez so annoying bruh i get to see him again, can i go home now? i thought "everyone's pumped, huh?" reki said smiling

"cherry?! woah joe too!!" many people yelled again as they look at cherry and joe (mama) skating "bullshit! tonight's beef is only us two! don't chicken out!" reki yelled at adam, "chicken out? me?" adam said pointing his skateboard at reki

FINAL GOODBYE *. * · miya chinen x readerWhere stories live. Discover now