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The city is alive with people.

Each person's choosing ceremony takes place in an amphitheater dedicated to the president who ordered the bombings to commence during the war, the man who effectively decimated the world's population. He killed the rebellion, and walking toward this hulking mass of concrete, it sure feels like he's trying to claim my life as well. Even the shining sun can't stamp down the dread welling up in my stomach, like a prisoner marching toward the gallows. My blue dress bustles around my ankles, threatening to trip me with every step as I make my way toward the student entrance.

I share a birthday with two others in my class, a kind girl named Alma, and a boy named Brody. They stand just outside, hugging their families, an air of giddiness about them. They know what their futures will hold at the end of this ceremony.

I'm in free fall.

Every face holds a smile, even those whose glee battles with nervousness. Nervous about tripping on stage, or about stuttering, but not about where they're going. I envy that nervousness. That assured nervousness.

At least my mom will be here.

The air inside is cool and crisp, the staging room dim. Maybe the walls can feel my dread. The scar on my inner arm throbs, just as it does any time my fear threatens to break me.

I feel eyes on my back, and spin around, expecting my mother. Instead, the dread turns to lead in the pit of my stomach as two tall male figures approach me.

"So, homelessness, eh, Firefly? I mean, not getting chosen, what other choice will you have?" James Gold looms over me, his definitively golden hair falling to his shoulders.

I cross my arms over my chest, an attempt to hide my shaking hands. "Aw you came so see my ceremony? I'm honored."

"She does have another choice, ya know?" Cairo Taylor nudges his friend, a malicious glint in his eye. "She could always follow in daddy's footsteps and off herself. Maybe go for something more showy, like taking the swan dive off the God Tower?"

Will they ever come up with new insults? It's been 12 years, and it's always the same few digs. Without bothering with a response, I turn away, continuing to the sign-in.

"Aww that's no fun. Did we hurt your feelings, Firefly girl?"

Cairo grabs my arm, spinning me back toward them. On instinct, I throw my fist up, making contact with his jaw. Pain flares through my knuckles; I don't throw punches often.

"Woah!" James grabs his friend's shoulders as he stumbles back. "What the hell, Firefly?"

"Don't touch me." I spit.

"Honahlee Youngblood." A familiar man's voice booms.


I spin and see the principal of our school approaching, disapproval on his face. "Violence on your choosing day may not be the best way to start your future."


"No." He stops me. "Go check in." He turns to the boys. "As for you two..."

I clutch my aching fist in my hand and continue on to the sign-in area, thankful to be rid of my two biggest bullies. People in school had always been harsh, ever since I can remember. It isn't a secret that I was blacklisted, and as far as the other kids were concerned, living off the grid was equal to being a second class citizen.

They weren't entirely wrong.

The lights in the amphitheatre are blinding, shining down harshly on us. I am the first person to enter, aside from teh choosing committee, who are all gathered in their positions on a stage high above us, the light angled away from them in a way that makes them difficult to make out. I can just barely see them shuffling around, leaning over to speak to one another in hushed whispers.

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