The Co-Incidence

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[It's midnight]

Midnight is definitely the time for Maryville or any other place in the world to stay pin-drop-silence.

The best time for the dealers to get into their nasty business, students to return drunk or drugged after a party and for murderers and thieves its time to get down to their business.

Jungkook knew that well. Not after visiting Maryville but since he started 'taking care' of bullies he came across.

The last few days have been a bit long as he had been busy figuring out Y/N's life. But now that he is aware of a huge part he can go back to 'dealing with the bullies!'

His next victim, Conor Diaz. The bully from their college. The wannabe "alpha male" who still like to, 00's toss the poor kids to the garbage and bully the unpopular ones. A known homophobe of Maryville College.

He's been running as fast as he can since he saw Jungkook in his again 'Patrick Bateman' outfit. Earlier Jungkook used to have a mask to cover his face. But his counts have increased and so he has experienced enough to know how to not let victim get a chance to run away. He followed him and followed him to the Sherwoods. They place where Nash died. Conor thought he had a chance to survive this if he goes to the forest as its dark in their. Jungkook knew chasing your victim tothe forest is like a bonus-skip to next level.

After what felt like hours of running and sweating Conor was finally alone. No one following him. He knew he made it. He finally overcame the danger leaving the chaser back, who knows where. Conor bent to touch his knees with both his palms and breathe heavily like an old man after jogging. He's never been this miserable in his entire life. Fear still covered every bit of his body. But atleast he survived the thing. Thinking of which he was a little bit relieved. But did he really survive this.

"You never stop running until the murderer gets you!" Jungkook appeared from almost no where. "Stop running, you just make it easier for the killer!"

Conor was about to run but Jungkook threw the axe at his feet. Making him fall on the ground. He stil trying to crawl his way.

"And you never let go of your precious life do you. But guess what you are just a pest."

Not letting go of his precious life Conor kept crawl and Jungkook sat down beside him. Seeing him suffering. Conor couldn't move so he tried to reach for the axe cutting his right leg in almost two halves. "Aah!" he let out a scream but not loud enough to increase the killing spree of Jungkook. He thrw thhe axe near him as Jungkook looked at him closely like an artist looks at his favorite art work. He didn't speak a word. Conor kept moving like a sloth except he was in pain, that he couldn't bear. That's when Jungkook took out a small knife from his pocket and pointed at him. "That day you tossed Martin in the dumpster for being gay ! Didn't you !" Conor didn't dare to reply. "Did you or didn't you!" Jungkook took the knife and started making a mark on his cheek.

"I did... I did!" He said. "Then you went your class room and punched Elvis. Why !?"

"Leave me. I-i beg you !" Jungkook's now moving the knive through his arm and listening to his answe stabbed the knife inside. "He was sitting on my place !"

"Really!?" Jungkook suddenly got close to his face and continued,"I used to think you are this alpha male as you claim. But you are just a little kid who beats his friends for seats! Thats so..." he stabbed his shoulder real deep and added "Pathetic!"

"You are a psycho!"

"And you are dumb!" Jungkook said standing up and reaching for his axe one more time.

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