Monaca getting adopted <2>

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Monaca's POV

I was sitting on a chair waiting for the woman who was supposedly going to adopt me. Is she going to be like... you know who. "Monaca, Towa Monaca. Your new mother is here and ready! Pack your things," Yumi, one of the Child Protective Services workers, told me. "Okay, Miss Yumi," I responded.

After a while I walk out with a bag wearing a green striped shirt with blue overalls. I look up to a woman who has pale skin and orange hair. She also seemed to have comforting, honey gold eyes. Her aura felt warm. "Hello.. Monaca was it?," The woman said. "Yes." I responded but before I knew it, I was picked up. I felt so confused but it felt like a hug

"Haruto! Put down your new sister!," The woman scolded 'Haruto'. "Sorry mom! I'm just so excited!" Haruto said. Maybe this wasn't so bad after all?

(Yes very short.)

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