Is He Dead?~ Liana

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My heart is pounding.  I just heard the news.  It was Scott.  He just got ran overed.  But how?

I took a taxi to the Medical Unified Hospital.  It was the closest hospital to his house as far as I know, not to sound like a stalker and all.

The car ride took fifteen, twenty minutes because the taxi was driving like a maniac.  I pay my car fair and get out of the car.  I run straight through the doors.

Does he really want to see you, you idiot?  It was not the time to go mental and start talking to myself again.  I push it out of my head.  My conscience.  Wait, was that even possible?

My eyes focus on where I had to go.  The front desk to the secretaries of the hospital.

"How may I help you miss," the woman says behind the desk, probably in her early thirties.  Her eyes twinkle with a mix of anxiety, sadness, depression, alarm, and happiness at the same time.

"I am here to see Scott Bennet," I say sternly with an impatient look on my face.

She looks at me like she was a bit hurt then turned to the computer to search his name in the checked-in list.  Finally she speaks.

"Room 302.  Down the hall, turn to your right, and then turn left.  The room should be three rooms down from the corner in which you turn," she tells me.

I thank her and walk quickly away from the front desk and keep my head down.  I follow the directions thay she told me.

Down the hall, turn to your right, and then turn left.  The room should be three rooms down from the corner in which you turn.  Down the hall, turn to your right, and then turn left.  The room should be three rooms down from the corner in which you turn.

I just want to see if he was okay.  I was in deep thought as I heard someone call my name.  It was Ethan, Scott's best friend.

"Hey wait up.  Are you here for Scott, too?" He yells out to me through the crowds of doctors, nurses, and patients.  I skid to a stop.  Wait was I just running in my thoughts?

I turn around and look for him through the crowd.  He waves his hand up and I obviously could he see him because he and Scott were at least five feet seven, but he continues to wave his hand.  I call out his name and he finally stops the waving.  Jeeze, it was starting to look like he was in a depressing Sam Smith concert or Ariana Grande concert.

He jogs to me and I look at what he was wearing.  Greyish, bluish joggers, black v-neck shirt, and tan toms.  Jeeze, he looks like he just woke up and it was only 8:45 at night.

We both follow what the secretary told me.  We both reach the door and I was about to turn the knob when I heard a scream.  It sounded feminine, definitely not Scott's scream, for sure.  I look at Ethan and he frowns at me and raises an eyebrow at the knob.  I turn my attention back to the door knob and slowly twist the knob and then I hear a soft click and I push the door lightly inside.  I gasped when I saw Scott.  His head was wrapped in a layer of the cloth bandage.  So was his left arm, his right calf, his whole stomache, and his right foot.  We both ran to either side of Scott.  I put my head on the side of his shoulder and cupped his hands into my hands.  Some tears were tearing my eyelids open.  I opened my eyes and tears gushed out.

Ethan just stares at his friends face,  a pityful frown on his face.  He took his friends hand and grasped it, hoping he would never let go.

"Bro.  Stay in there.  We love you so just hang in there," he says to Scott in a hushed voice.

We just sit in the seats on either sides of his hopital bed.  We finally hear muffling.  I first though it was Ethan, trying to take out his phone from his joggers.  I turned my head to face Scott.  Ethan was hovering over Scott's face, his eyes bulging out of his eye sockets. 

He was alive and okay.  Of course he was alive.  He had to be.  He was my hope.  Scott was my everything.

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