Can I Have Some? :DANIEL

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Dans POV

I woke up to an empty house. My dad was at work and my sister was at her daycare. It was only five in the morning. I didn’t have to be at school for another hour and forty-five minutes.I walked into my bathroom and opened the cabinet.


I grabbed my small black, leather box. I opened it up and grabbed my blade. I stared at the small metal object between my fingers. I used this way too often. I pulled off my sweater and examined my wrists. There were thousands of cuts, some deep, some just deep enough to feel the pain.

I brought the blade up to my wrist and closed my eyes. All I could see was Phil getting beaten. I could hear the noises that he makes when he gets hit by me. Soon enough I can feel the blood running down my arm and the sound it makes when it hits the ground echos in my head.

I continue to slide the object across my arms until the image of Phil getting beaten fades from my mind. I opened my eyes to see my bathroom floor covered in blood. I grabbed a roll of paper towels and started to wipe up the floor.


When I finished, I checked my phone to see that I still have twenty minutes to leave my house. I decided to just text Tyler and Josh, to see if we can go early. They replied instantly with ‘yeah, we’re ready’.

I quickly put my sweater back on and grabbed my keys. I got into my car and drove for about two minutes to pick up Josh and Tyler at their house. Tyler got into the passenger seat while Josh got into the back seat. Tyler grabbed the AUX cord and plugged in his phone. Beyonce started blaring out of my speakers. I  started laughing as I pulled out of their drive.

We stopped at a red light and I looked to my side and saw Phil singing My Chemical Romance. He looked  over at me and his expression instantly turned to one of fear, as he tried to make himself impossibly smaller. The music turned off,

“Fagget” Tyler screamed making Josh laugh. I laughed because he was the one that  was just listening to Beyonce. Phil shrunk down in his seat.

“Fuck you all, you are just low lifes trying to make yourself feel better by bringing down other people” Joe yelled from the drivers seat. Phil looked terrified as they drove off.

“He’s such a dick. Phil is going to get it when we get to school. But first can we stop at the store.” I quickly turn into the store parking lot and see that Joes car was her. I  was hoping that Tyler or Josh didn’t see it.

“Phil is here” Josh said while pointing at the car. I wanted to slap him so hard at the moment. I parked the car on the other side of the small parking lot. “I’ll keep watch and I’ll text you if I see him.”

I nodded my head and got out of the car. I wanted to find him and just see what he was doing. I found him looking at foundation. He looked so  frustrated.

“Hey Phil, there actually is Vampire White foundation” Joe laughed as he brought it over to phil. I saw Phil smile a little but but then he turned and flipped off Joe. I couldn’t help but laugh a little bit. “Philip, did you just give me the dirty finger? I am so hurt.” Phil didn’t answer and just walked up to the cashier. I walked out of the store a minute before him.

“There’s Phil” Tyler said to us. We both walked up to him. Josh was in the bathroom He looked terrified and clutched the bag in his hand so tight that his knuckles were white. “Please don’t hurt me today I really can’t get another bruise or cut on my face.” He looked so helpless, I didn’t want to hurt him. I never did, but I have to keep up my reputation.

“Then I guess we won’t hit your face.” Tyler said as he punched him in the gut and he tumbled to the ground. I really didn’t want to hurt him so I kicked him very softly but made it look hard so Tyler thought that it was. Phil made a sound that shattered my heart completely, but I am a great actor.

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