Chapter 8: Syzygy (Part 1)

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Syzygy [siz-i-jee]

noun, plural syzygies

1. An alignment of three celestial objects, as the sun, the earth, and either the moon or a planet.

By the end of the week, Zabdiel had taken full custody of Richard. The red-haired boy preened under the attention and Chris watched their friendly bickering with amazement. It would have almost felt normal, Richard just being another kid that had joined them at the loser table, if it hadn't been for the two times Christopher's mind went into overdrive and it was only Richard pulling him into the next restroom, forcing him to repeat the mantra Joel had taught Chris, that kept Chris from turning right in the middle of the school hallway. More than the physical pain the almost shift brought upon him, Chris hated the way Richard would look at him afterwards, disappointment bright in his eyes.

"Control," Richard told him on their drive home on Friday, "Nothing matters but control."

"Efferitas exeat," Chris gave back, blankly. He was barely able to keep the annoyance out of his voice. It wasn't fair towards Richard, he knew the red haired boy was only doing what he was supposed to do. Apart from that, Chris didn't think it was a good idea under any circumstance to act pissy towards Richard. Chris was just frustrated with himself.

"I'm picking you back up at six," Richard informed him once he had pulled up to Christopher's house.

"Okay," Chris said. He knew it would have been pointless to argue with Richard. With a small wave, he got out of the car and stalked towards the front door of his house.

Christopher's mother was asleep on the couch when he entered the living room. Breathing past the overwhelming smell of vanilla scented candles, Chris spent a good two minutes searching for the remote before he was finally able to shut the TV off. His mother stirred in her sleep, her nurse uniform crinkling as she curled in on her side. Carefully, Chris draped the blanket that had fallen to the ground back over her body. Lastly, he took the empty plate of leftovers with him as he made his way out of the room.

He found Lorena in the kitchen, brooding over her homework.

"Hey, kiddo," Chris greeted her while dumping the dirty dishes onto the pile accumulating in the kitchen sink. "How was your day?"

"I don't like math," the ten year-old grumbled, resting her chin on her hand and pouting up at him.

Chris couldn't help but laugh at the sight, "Yeah, I think no one does. You can do it, though."

"What if I don't want to?"

Chris frowned at her, "Lorena."

"I have an idea," his sister smiled slyly and Chris knew then that he had gotten wrapped up in a scheme. "If I do my math homework, can I go to Kelly's tonight?"

"Hmm," Chris pretended to contemplate. "Where does she live?"

"Near the distillery. Kelly said her mom would even come and pick me up if you allow it."

Chris nodded, "That's alright. Have you seen Hector today?"

"He's spending the weekend at Jake's."

"Is he?" Chris frowned. "He didn't tell me."

"He asked Mom."

"Alright. You want me to help you with your homework?"

"Please," Lorena rolled her eyes. "I can do it alone."

Laughing, Chris picked up the sandwich he had made himself and walked out of the kitchen and into his room. He had a good three hours before Richard would come back and pick him up.

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