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The kakushi had managed to catch up to them and lead them in the correct direction. They made glances at the two to make sure they were following. The trio arrived at an open ground with about 12  people already there. Y/n bounced on the balls of her feet as she looked around excitedly. "Holy moley the hashiras and the kamados, well the other is hiding in a box but I'll see her soon enough. It seems I arrived just in time. Seems like I missed quite a bit though."

Sanemi had a box in his hand. Y/n grinned and watched the show unfold. "Damn I wish I had some popcorn." Kuna looked up at her, "did you say something nee-chan?"

Y/n shook her head, "Nope, nothing" she watched as Sanemi held his blade at the ready and stabbed through the box. She quickly covered Kuna's eyes and winced. "It looks and sounds a lot worse in person."

Kuna held onto the hand that covered his eyes and inquired, "what's wrong?"

"Nothing my dear child, it's just something your innocent eyes should avoid seeing."


She watched as Tanjiro got up and let out a yell, "Anyone who hurts my sister...Hashira or not I won't let you get away with it!"

Sanemi pulled out the blade from the box and flashed off the blood. Giyuu turned around and gave a warning, "stop the Master will be arriving soon!" 

Tanjiro disregarding these words rushed forward. "Here it comes." Y/n removed her hand from Kuna's eyes and pointed at the 'show'. Tanjiro leaped into the air and came barreling down headfirst. His forehead collided with Sanemi's making the Hashira get a nosebleed. 

Misturi's cute snicker rang through the air, "pardon me." Y/n couldn't hold it in any longer, she held her stomach, doubled over, and let out a rather loud laugh. Followed by it was Kuna's own confused chuckle. All the people present at the meeting looked in her direction. "Who the hell are you!" 

Y/n let out little chuckles as she tried to catch her breath, "he almost busted your head open!" She let out another round of chuckles. Sanemi let out a growl, "who do you think you are!"

Y/n turned his question back at him, and crossed her arms over her chest, "who do you think you are? Growling at me like some dog. Did you expect me to bark back? No thanks puppy."

Before the quarrel could get any more heated, Kagaya arrived, the two twins to the side announced his arrival which stopped all the quarreling. The man walked out a bit more so the sun could shine on his face. A smile adorned his face, "good morning, everyone. The weather is strikingly nice today. Perhaps with a blue sky?" He made a pause then continued,

"It pleases me that we've made it to our semiannual Hashira Meeting with no personnel changes."

A thud rang through the area as Sanemi slammed Tanjiro's head to the ground. "oh the poor ground." Y/n couldn't help but express some sympathy with the ground. All the hashiras and kakushi's in the vicinity bowed. Sanemi looked in her direction and scowled, "bow to the master right this instant!"

Y/n guffawed and retorted, "I'm not a demon slayer, he is no master of mine. Besides, I shall only kneel in front of Kaza-kun when the day comes for me to suck his di-" Y/n glanced at Kuna and promptly shut her mouth, "all-in-all I shall not bow."

Kagaya sighed and raised his hand, "it's just fine if she doesn't bow." Sanemi looked forward and said, "of course, Master." He couldn't help but grit his teeth in anger. Y/n couldn't help but let out another round of  giggles because of his expression.

Sanemi said his regards to the Kagaya, "I am pleased to see you in good health, Master. I fervently pray for your good fortune."

"Thank you Sanemi."

Sanemi lifted his head slightly, "If I may Master? Before we start the Hashira Meeting would you mind enlightening us about this swordsman, Tanjiro Kamado, traveling with a demon?" Looking at the girl who called him a dog he also inquired about her, "and Master could you also enlighten us of the other two's presence."

"Right, sorry for surprising you all. About Tanjiro and Nezuko I sanctioned their situation and I would like for you to accept it."

Y/n started to drown out the rest of the responses and the reading of the letter that followed. She turned back her attention to the group when she noticed that they put Nezuko's box in the shade. and as soon as it opened she rushed towards it. The hashira all stared in shock. "Girl don't go over there!" 

Y/n wrapped her arms around Nezuko and brought her face towards her chest area. "OH MY GOSH, YOU ARE SO CUTE I SWEAR I COULD JUST STEAL YOU!"

Kuna looked at the area where his nee-chan was just beside him, then looked at where she was now and started to cry. "Nee-chan!" He also rushed forward and threw himself at her back.

The hashira all watched this display in shock. "What just happened?" The Master questioned his two aids, "the girl that Tomioka-san saved hugged the demon. The demon is now nestling in her bosom with no signs of attacking. The boy is also rather close to the demon and it shows no sign of attacking him either." 

"I see, well that settles it then Nezuko is safe."

The hashira started to protest, "Master please let Sanemi test the demon instead."

Y/n who was now seated on the floor with Kuna cuddled to her side and Nezuko laying her head on her lap protested. "She seems rather safe to me. Besides, I have rather special blood and I'm pretty sure she just heard my heart pumping blood and she had no reaction whatsoever."

"Girl, who do you think you are to interfere in this meeting?"

"Y/n-san I think it would be for the best if you let Sanemi test Nezuko." Kagaya threw in his opinion. 

Y/n finally relented, eased Nezuko off her lap and took Kuna into her arms. She stood side and watched as Sanemi used his blade to make a cut of his arm.

Everyone-saved for Tanjiro, Kuna and Y/n- expected Nezuko to rush forward and rip him apart. To their surprise she looked at the man who wounded her severely and put her head to the side. She had a bit of drool running down her lips bit she very much restrained from attacking him.

"See I told you. I bet you have special blood too right? That's why you volunteered to try and 'expose her for what she was'. That would explain why you have so many scars, it's because you use yourself as bait?"

As all this happened Tanjiro who's emotions were fluctuating finally settled on being relieved.


I finally got time. So here ya go. I enjoy your comments a lot, except for the person who threatened to eat my dog. He's innocent!

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