The starting of a New year

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In this chapter it will be a new starting/ New year for Kumandra after over 6 years also in there time its 2022 yes that means they are 2 months further than our time in real life anyways sit back read and enjoy the story also there would be some little bit of modern stuff that we have now on the earth in the story.

January 1,2022  11:21 am

Raya: Yes! Its a New year for Kumandra after 6 years ago ever till now everyone's up and ready to start a New Year!


Maiden: Hello, Princess Raya are you in here? Hello?

Raya pov: Great, the best way to ruin someone's day.

Raya: Yes I am you may come in!

Maiden: Ok

"Maid opens the door and walks in the room"

Maiden: Hello Princess Raya I'm sorry disturb you but you're family asked me to inform you about the party that will be held today

Raya pov: A Party!

Raya: Umm may I ask who will be coming there

Maiden: Oh umm The cheifs and Dragons are going to be there

Raya pov: The cheifs and the Dragons!

Raya: Umm thankyou for informing me you may now leave

Maiden: Ok thankyou princess


Raya: No need to bow

Maiden: Ok

Raya: Oh and remember to close the door behind you when your leaving

Maiden: Ok princess

"Walks out and closes the door"

Raya: Oh boy

"Raya flops on her bed"

Raya: A party now how will that be like

4:35pm Party Time


Raya: Come in 

"Cheif Benja opens the door"

Cheif Benja: Dew Drop are you ready?

Raya: Yes Ba so how do I look?

Cheif Benja: Lovely

Raya: Aww thanks

"Hugs him"

Cheif Benja: Anyways the guests have already arrived and is waiting on us downstairs so lets go

Raya: Ok Ba 

Raya and her Ba went downstairs and as they did everybody's  eyes were on raya

Everyone: Wow "whispering"

Raya: Ba why is everyone looking at me?

Cheif Benja: Because they love how you look especially with that dress

Raya: Oh ok

For who is wondering what is her dress and how it look like well it looks like something like this:

For who is wondering what is her dress and how it look like well it looks like something like this:

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But a little bit longer Anyways back to the story

As raya comes down the stairs she realized someone is staring at her  in a wow expression [well its not like everyone is not already staring at her in a wow expression but anyways] and when she look to her right she sees namaari and then she blushed without paying attention infront of her and you all know what happend she tripped and fell on the ground infront of everyone [well isn't that embarrasing]

Raya: Ow! 

"Everyone gasps"

Cheif Benja: Raya are you alright!?

Raya: Yeah Ba.....

Raya pov: Well isn't this the best starting of a new year for me although I fell and drop infront of everyone

"Raya says sarcastically but in a sad voice also"

"Everyone Whispering"

Raya Pov: Yep....

"Raya says in a sad voice"

Anyways thanks for reading the first chapter of this book I hope you enjoyed it and I'll all see you guys next time!

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