Chapter 1

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"Let it all out Kendall, You know I'll always be here for you..." Kylie said as she gave her sister Kendall a much needed hug.

Kendall had always been the reserved sister always keeping her feelings and built up emotions to herself. In a way people usually had a hard time cracking her. But just this one time, Kendall couldn't do it alone.

"I don't know how I became so vulnerable.. I never depended on a guy at all. I've always done great at being independent and having love for myself because I get that people are temporary. But Ky he just came into my life, sweetened my ear with all the right things and before I had any control I had already given him every inch of me, I didn't even hesitate. Why couldn't he appreciate that? Knowing how thick my walls were and how I was willing to let him break them. You see I don't know why he would drag me like this and use me as a mop. That's so scary, because he took advantage of me and I let him. The signs were there and my dumb ass decided to let him be as long as he stayed with me. This hole in my stomach is too much." Cried Kendall.

Harry Styles, took it all. A whole year of sweet nothings. All for show, all for the media. Left her after everything they went through together, actually not together more like after everything kendall put up with. A whole year of waste, just to have his career thrive before him as he stepped on Kendall. She should of have listened to everyone who warned her about him, about his ways with women like her who were in the spotlight. But yet, she didn't listen and instead mistook people's warnings and precautions as jealousy.

She had let her heart take over her mind. Lost herself completely, she was so blinded into that charming spell of his, he made her feel like even if her own family turned on her he would have her back, and yet he had the Knife hidden behind kendall all along. She felt so stupid, so unexplainably weak. Just when she was rising so high on her career this had to happen. And now it would be a hard task to fake a smile. Even if she was familiarized with that act she felt like this time it would be impossible. The tabloids made her look like thrown away leftovers. Surely they didn't expose Harry, they just made it seem like he grew bored of her and threw her away to move on to someone better. Ha. More like his next victim.

Kendall knew she had to snap out of it, and be what the world wanted her to be. The so happy, perfect model. Yet she didnt find anything perfect about herself, she felt like death but still able to breathe. Lifeless. Empty. Numb.

"Look kendall you have two options here. I know maybe right now the last thing you want is to hear me demand you to get it together. But, you can either stay emo while he has the time of his life. Or you can get with the program and realize that shit like this happens because it's fucking life boo. I get it, it hurts but kendall you said it yourself you have always been independent. So, don't let what he did define the way you carry on. You're seriously gorgeous Kenny, you can get someone better. Anyone you want. Harry will soon be a blurry part of your life. When he realizes not just anyone will put up with his ways and his neglections like you did he's going to want to come back to you. No one had him like you did Kenny. But guess what? By then you will have moved on and by then you will have gain control of yourself and he's not going to have that control anymore and that devastates men. He will crave for your presence, crave the feeling of someone caring for him. He's shit, actually scratch that. Shit is too fancy to describe him." Kylie said with a whole shit ton of confidence. Which got a small smile from Kendall.

Kylie was an amazing sister, even being the youngest one she has always been down to help her sisters into whatever situation they been in. Even if she's not of much help she certainly knows how to at least get them to laugh a little with her sarcasm and men hating remarks. That's why she was secretly Kendall's favourite. And kylie's confidence was certainly contagious because now Kendall was sure Harry would soon be buried in the past.

"Oh Kylie. What would I do without you? " said Kendall still sniffing a little. A little shocked she had actually opened up for once.

"You would die." Said Kylie giving an evil smile to her devastated, tired of life looking sister.

Kendall's last couple of days had been nerve wrecking. What was sad was the fact that everyone thought she was happy. Even her family would fail to notice that her anxiety was getting to her. It surprised Kendall that nobody ever took a moment to realize what was really going on with her. They just believed that she had a happy life. Just because she had everything. That is everything but the one thing that mattered the most. Peace within herself. Sometimes she wanted them to believe she was happy. But sometimes she wished people would actually realize that she breaks down as well. Not just because she belonged to the famous Kardashian/Jenner klan meant she had no feelings, no heart, no soul, neither did it mean people like her didn't break down.

"If I were to be honest right now. Besides the fact that I love you. You look like shit right now Kendall. You seriously need to rest, shower, and go out like any other human would. We're so going out tonight. And get you a fucking hottie. So it could slap Harry on the face. We need to go out and show that boy you don't need him. And that you were made for better. And that he wasn't anything special." Said Kylie enthusiastically and with a lot of reason too.

Kendall just rolled her eyes. And stared at her sister. She didn't know if she was ready to get a fucking hottie. Not after the break up. What would people think of her? They would all start judging her and start hoe naming her, because that's how it was when a female moved on. She gave it a second thought and realized her sister was right. And fuck anyone if they start judging her, she realized she needed to stop caring what people thought of her for at least tonight.

"We're going out tonight then. It's on." Said Kendall like it was a challenge she was willing to defeat.

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