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"The world is beautiful isn't it?" she asked, glancing at the ocean
"Just like you Are" he answered
It wasn't his fault
How could he know, that she hated herself?
That's she couldn't see an end to her misery?
That's she wanted to be beautiful?


"You're so pretty!"
She stares at herself in the mirror
Picking her skin
"Please tell me your workout routine"
Her head in the white ceramic bowl
Fingers going deeper into her throat
"I love your hair"
Standing in the shower
Falling out of her scalp
"You have such a pretty smile"
Sitting in the waiting room
Her teeth decaying

Compliments sound so condescending sometimes

When did she learn how to hate herself?
How to hate her dimples?
How to hate her eyes?
How to hate her hair?
How to hate her weight?

She became unrecognizable

Am I beautiful now?
She looked into the mirror
Having streams of mucus and spit
Running down her face and arms
As she tries to find her gag reflex

Inside a girl,
Who was a shell
Of what she once was

"Are you going to say something?" He asked
She continued to stare at the ocean
"I think we are meant to be"
His eyes gleaned with hope,
Knowing this is what he has been waiting for
"But I think in another life"
It broke her heart to say it
Knowing how much it would break his
She has never seen a smile fade so fast

Because beauty is in the eye of the beholder
And in this life,
Her eyes were telling her a different story.


Maybe in another lifeWhere stories live. Discover now