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MAX: El leaves the bathroom to go find me pads from Mike's mom. I hear Mike's mom tell her to look in the third-floor bathroom.  She says "Thank you miss wheeler!" 'she's so damn sweet!' I think to myself. I stick my hand in my pocket and find a tampon. ''Oh!" I say realizing that I have it. I finish in the bathroom and head upstairs to find El standing Dumbstruck in front of Nancy's room. I go up to her to see what she is looking at, first picking up the pad she dropped. Then I scream. "WHAT THE FUCK!" I shout so loud that the boys in the basement can hear me. Thank GOD that Mike's mom left for the supermarket with his younger sister, and his dad is at work. But the boy sprint up the stairs. Lucas realizing that it's my voice runs up skipping 4 stairs. Mike hearing El squeal runs up 3 by 3 and Dustin skips 2 by 2 almost falling and will just jogs with speed. Making it up the stairs Mike stops in front of the door. "WHAT THE FUCK NANCY!" He shouts even louder than me. Lucas comes up a bit slower (he got out of breath and walked halfway) leans on the table in the hall and just says "shiiiiiiIIIIIIIIttttttt" he says slowly voice rising in the middle. He takes a hand full of the cereal he brought upstairs. Dustin comes and just says "Well damn" he takes a handful from Lucas when Will makes it up the stairs. He stands stuck for a minute before opening his mouth to scream "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU JONATHAN! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!" He screams before rushing down the stairs eyes FULL of tears. I stand confused like the rest for a minute before me, El, Lucas, and Dustin look at each other and say "shit" altogether.

El: So quick recap: I was walking up the stairs to get Max something called "a pad?" I don't really know. But I find the pink one she said she needed and get ready to go back down the stairs when I walk past Nancy's door and freeze. I Jonathan and Nancy passionately kissing on her bed. I don't know why but nancy has her shirt open and no "bra" or something I don't remember what Max said it was called but she is not wearing one. That's when I realized... SCREW MIKE! I LOVE GIRLS! Im excited for a minute before I realize what they're gonna do. I see Jonathan slide his hand up her leg reviling a lot of things and pushing up her skirt. And crap! They're gonna do that "happy screams" thing arent they! I freezing realizing and Idrope the pad-thingy-ma-bobber I don't even realize Max is on the stairs until she gets here. She picks up the pad asking me what is wrong. I don't answer her. She sees it and Yells "WHAT THE FUCK!". AAAAAdn your all caught up! So Max, Lucas, Dustin, and I race down the stairs to the garage where they put their bikes. Leaving Mike upstairs confused and angry. Dustin and Lucas get on their bike but Max and I are already or hers. She got a new bike from Billy a year ago with a seat on the back for me. So Max and I direct them. I put on Lucas'sbandana over my eyes while holding on to Max. I search for a will and find him by the lake. "He's at the lake!" I exclaim at them. The race off before us. Max yells after them "NOT EVEN A THANK YOU!" she then whispers "assholes" I giggle and lay my head on her back wrapping my arm's around her again. She blushes making her WHOLE face bright red then continues after the boys. 

Max: Im crushing hard.😡❤👧

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