Chapter 2

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A few days had passed since that night. Mui felt much calmer and more peaceful now. They had talked about a lot of things in the past few days. And she had learned that Riku was aiming to become an idol. Apparently, he was following his brother's footsteps. He said he wanted to be closer to him, wanted to know why he chose to become an idol.

She thinking he hoped that if he entered his world, he would understand him. Riku hadn't really given up on his brother. He still loved him very much. Not otherwise unthinkable anyway. They were twins, after all. No matter what, he couldn't stop loving him. But Mui was worried.

Was Riku really fit for the job with his illness? Wasn't he putting his life in danger by doing this? She wanted to support and be there for him, but part of her was against him getting into this business. She didn't like this putting himself in danger like this and hiding it from the agency. She didn't know what to do.

Should she support him and stand by him? Or should she try to dissuade him? Wouldn't it upset him if she tried to dissuade him? This was his dream. He wanted to sing with Tenn one day. She didn't want to upset him. But she couldn't keep quiet about what he was doing. If he doesn't stop being an idol, she should have been there for him. Only then could she be sure that he was okay.

The only person in her world, she didn't want to lose anymore was Riku. That's why she decides to stand by him and support him no matter what. Her parents were already working inside the idol world. It wasn't that hard to support him and be there when needed.

In fact, she had been offered a TV show, modeling, and acting in TV series before. It was because her family were important people there. And her family had forced her to play her in a few advertisements against her request. But that didn't last long because her family understand she wasn't really going to do it. She really didn't want to be a part of that world.

But now things seemed to change. If it was a way for Riku to stay with her, she could do it. Moreover, by stepping into this world, she might have the chance to see Tenn up close. She might not like what she was about to see, but she didn't want to run away anymore.


Riku gave their first concert with the group Idolish7, but the audience numbers were very low. Mui was there to support him and was in one of the empty audience seats. Idolish7 that Riku joined seemed like a really talented group. The fact that Riku was at the center of the group worried Mui. He had too many responsibilities. Stress is inevitable in such a position. And one of the things that triggered his illness was stress!

It looked good for now, but that was because the audience was low. There was nothing to stress him out right now, but that would definitely change once they became popular and participated in shows. Mui was already getting stressed thinking about all this. How could Riku be with all this while he was in this state? If he had a crisis, no one could help him because there was no one there who knew about his illness.

When the concert is over she talks about all this with Riku but apparently this was something he was willing to risk anyway and he had absolutely no intention of giving up. All Mui could do now was support him and be by his side.

The next day, she still considered taking part in one of the offers that came to her. She was a side character in the series and did not have many roles. She wasn't sure why she was still getting offers like this even though she had no experience in acting. Could her family be more popular in show business than she thought? Knowing that thinking such things will not help her, she accepts the offer and goes to the interview.


As soon as she entered the set, all the set staff were looking at her as if they knew her, and she could read the surprise on their faces. It seems that everyone already knew her, although she was never seen here.

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