he didn't even know why

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"I can't breathe..Sapnap-..I-I CAN'T BREATHE!"

*Trigger Warning*
major character death
gore in detail
hurt no comfort

*Head Canons*
sapnap is older/taller

Karl had gone over the limit this time, he'd been traveling too much- trying to fix every single little thing. Trying to save the SMP without even fathoming the fact that it was physically destroying him. Tearing his atoms slowing with every second he wasn't in his own reality. He didn't realize he was killing himself, until it was already too late.

He finally managed to save the day once again, heading towards Kinko Kingdom to see his fiancé, who was long awaiting his return. Karl didn't realize how long it had taken him, he feared Sapnap would start to suspect something of him. Which, of course time traveling wouldn't be on his list of 'Where the actual fuck is my dumbass Karl at'

He'd finally arrived, with the help of his loyal horse of course. Though...when he did manage to see Sapnap again, his vision started to blur. He felt sick to his stomach- actually- he felt awful everywhere. His teeth clenched hard as he tried to suppress the pain, Sapnap had noticed this, running over to his fiancé and helping him off of his steed, holding Karl in his arms.

"Baby- Karl- talk to me baby," he pleaded desperately, wanting- no- needing his love to reply to him.

Karl looked up at Sapnap, seeing his genuine concern and worry just made everything so much worse.

"S-..sap-.." he tried replying, which only sent him into a coughing tantrum, holding tightly onto his soulmate- as if Sapnap could save him from this all too soon fatality.

Karl's coughs soon turned into full on choking, Sapnap lifted Karl's head up slightly so whatever it was he was choking on would come out of his mouth...it was blood. His love, his soulmate- his baby...his Karl...was choking on his own blood.

Sapnap's eyes widened, gasping as he saw clots of blood come out of Karl's mouth, he was coughing more and more- and it didn't seem like he was stopping.

It was all getting worse, Karl's chest felt like it was on fire- his stomach stung with cramps as he screamed out in pain. Sobbing for the pain to stop, choking on his own blood.

Then...it went quiet...Karl just-..he just stopped.

"Karl...?" Sapnap spoke- maybe Karl was finally done, maybe all the suffering was finally over. He shook the boy, he couldn't see Karl's face as he was limped over from coughing...but...he wasn't moving. He was..he was still.

"Karl?! KARL?!" Sapnap screamed, shaking the boy more- "Karl stop! STOP IT! WAKE UP!" the older had sobbed, he couldn't live without Karl- he just couldn't! He needed Karl with him, without the boy, Sapnap was nothing.

"KARL PLEASE!" he begged, but soon realized all his attempts were useless...Karl was gone- he didn't know why, how this happened all too fast. Karl was fine the day before- right? He was perfectly fine. Nothing was wrong. Did he get hit with a spell? Was he attacked? What...what happened..? Why was his soon to be husband gone?

time skip

Sapnap often thought about that day, it caused him so much trauma, the PTSD he got, it got so intense he had to leave Kinko Kingdom all together. Every time he even looked at where his love had died- he felt like it was happening all again, not even Quackity could help him when he was having his anxiety attacks. No one was 'okay' after Karl's death- but it had hit Sapnap harder than anything. He lost the only thing he was living for. He lost Karl Jacobs. And he didn't even know why.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2021 ⏰

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